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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. If you go to Google Images and type in 1950 Mack, you could see if any of the photos match your truck. If they don't, change the year to older or newer years and see what looks like yours. Then you can click on the "visit" button and there may be info on the model number and so on. Or, you could post a pic on here and see if we can help.
  2. The rust is slowly claiming this Brockway...it's really a shame. https://zanesville.craigslist.org/cto/d/1971-brockway-n4571-coe-mack/6650058080.html
  3. Classic!
  4. It would be a shame to paint over the lettering on the doors.
  5. I am swapping a different flywheel housing onto my '58 673 because it had the shallow housing before and the duplex that mates to it has some issues. The housing is about .032" off center so I need to ream for larger dowels (the existing dowels are 5/8"). Does anyone know if I have to go to 3/4" dowels, or can I get something like .650"? I haven't been able to find anything but 3/4".
  6. h67st

    Lucky Me

    OD, I hope your gout is all cleared up now. I had gout for the first time 3 years ago, got a prescription from the doctor that cleared it up. I looked online and a lot of people recommended taking tart cherry extract pills to keep it away. I've been doing that and so far no gout.
  7. Nice truck! Cool setting with the old Diamond Reo shop.
  8. There's (almost) nothing better-looking than gold leaf lettering.
  9. My neighbor bought a 3/4 ton pickup with the V10 about 10 years ago; he has flogged that truck and mistreated it but the motor just keeps on going.
  10. Interesting how those rails are straight, no drop or taper.
  11. Sharp looking rig...have to have lots of money to buy this one. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1962-1950-Philadelphia-Tiller-Fire-Truck-Ladder-20/183318830530?hash=item2aaea75dc2%3Ag%3ATngAAOSw7VRbRP5Y&_sop=22&_sacat=63732&rt=nc&_dmpt=Commercial_Trucks&autorefresh=true
  12. I'm out of town right now but when I get home I will compare the 7-1/4 to my cans and see if it looks good. Can you ship them to Columbus Ohio?
  13. Do you think these would work on my '60 camelback? As you can see in the photo, the brackets are too close to the brake drum for a 3030 chamber. What is the diameter of the clamp?
  14. It's sad to look at the photos of a fine truck that just sitting there deteriorating.
  15. Not many of those around!!
  16. So the right way would be to have left-handed people drive on the right so they can swing their sword with the correct hand, and have right-handed people drive on the left. 😉
  17. Looks somewhat like a Freightshaker Powerliner.
  18. Didn't waste a lot of money on "design" or "style"!
  19. Both fine looking trucks...you don't see an RM every day of the week.
  20. Thank you! I will give this a shot.
  21. Is that something you have to use a milling machine for? Sounds like a process I can't do in my shop, especially with the engine assembled.
  22. Well, I got to looking at it today and you can't put the adapter on the other trans...the bolt circle is smaller. I tried to swap the flywheel housing off the '59 but when I put a dial indicator on it, it's .032" off center. Does anyone know if you can have a machine shop move the dowel pin holes? It sounds like a complicated fix.
  23. How can I tell which one is the 67 series? The mount brackets are different (the '58 hangs about 2" lower in the chassis, do you know why?), but the bosses on the transmission look the same.
  24. Now that brake pedal's been stomped a few times!!
  25. From Wickerpedia: In 1963, after Marmon-Herrington, the successor to the Marmon Motor Car Company, ceased truck production, a new company, Marmon Motor Company of Denton, Texas, purchased and revived the Marmon brand to build and sell premium truck designs that Marmon-Herrington had been planning. The Marmon truck was a low-production, handmade truck sometimes dubbed the Rolls-Royce of trucks.[citation needed] An overcrowded American truck industry and the lack of a nationwide sales network led to the eventual failure of Marmon trucks in the USA. The last Marmon was made in 1997, and the production facilities in Garland, Texas, were taken over by Navistar’s Paystar division.
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