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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. What are you going to pull with that winch?
  2. That looks like brain surgery right there. You showed the outdoor light but you didn't show the switch for it.
  3. I hope he had a big gas tank for that V12!
  4. That's funny...why waste the money on that when the passenger doesn't need to see the road?
  5. Yes...the chassis and powertrain are GM.
  6. The rear rims look quite different too...the 20's are flat and smooth, the 22.5s are sculptured.
  7. The truck would look period-correct with 20" rims and tube-type tires, but 22.5 tubeless are way more common now and they ride much better. Way easier to repair also.
  8. h67st

    1962 B-61

    Sanders does Mack glass....https://www.sandersreproglass.com/
  9. That R and gooseneck make a nice looking rig. You're really moving along on the pickup!
  10. That's a big hood on that Autocar! Shouldn't be any problem to keep the engine cool.
  11. What kind of noise?
  12. A shiny 290! That's a pretty nice looking tractor.
  13. Papatrucker, if that truck runs decent and is driveable, $25k might be a good price. The pictures look good; is the truck as nice as the pictures? As always, try to haggle a little on the price! Here is papatrucker6's post with photos.
  14. I hope you're looking under things with a flashlight before you pull them out, just in case there are any dead bodies in there. If you find Jimmy Hoffa, let us know.
  15. That is one crazy-looking truck.
  16. Allow me to cast my vote for the best-looking COE...the H67 is a great-looking cab.
  17. So what's a road goat...a whitetail?
  18. Definitely looks good!!
  19. 7.75 mpg! That's bad...I thought 9 mpg in my truck was bad.
  20. My dad's F models used to rust out above the step like that one is.
  21. Nice pictures! Which park is that?
  22. You mean Wolley and Kcam?
  23. Amen to that...I'll be looking for some good 10-20s in a year or so.
  24. St. Johnsbury had a terminal here in Columbus Ohio...I used to do their daily repairs back in the mid 80's. I believe the local trucks they had here were U models.
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