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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. h67st


    Welcome! Watch this site often and you'll learn a lot about them.
  2. I would put a voltmeter on the batteries while it's pegged just to make sure your gauge is accurate. A bad regulator will cause that, or bad connections. Could even be a broken wire somewhere.
  3. Here's a foam-type pedal seal for a Brockway, it's 5/8" thick and 3-1/2" diameter. $16 with free shipping. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Brockway-truck-floor-seal/323089124112?hash=item4b399ccb10:g:vGUAAOSwvApaGzLh&vxp=mtr
  4. Maybe it's a training piece for that BMW service guy who didn't know what a choke lever is.
  5. Does anybody recognize what this piece is? https://www.ebay.com/itm/What-is-this-Mack-Truck-Bulldog-Item-Stainless-Cylinder-with-Nut-on-Both-Ends/122976108752?hash=item1ca1f280d0:g:jpYAAOSwnkdaiuFt&vxp=mtr
  6. What is the spline diameter on the good wheel? Mine is 1-1/32" inside, 1-1/16" outside.
  7. I bet those look cool at night with all the chicken lights.
  8. h67st

    Work boots

    I wear Red Wings; I found a style that is comfortable and lasts a long time (#953)...been buying them for about 15 years and I'm afraid to try a different brand.
  9. This is listed as a B71...I'm not an expert on the model numbers. Very interesting with a 1673 Cat in it. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1955-Other-Makes-Mack-B-71-Mack-B71/232667836785?hash=item362c157171:g:UbIAAOSw-RFacxtD&vxp=mtr
  10. So you just pour straight brake fluid in the cylinders? I didn't know that would work.
  11. That's a good feeling when you get all the bent, rusted, worn pieces fixed and going back together with good parts.
  12. There should be 2 like buttons on that post!
  13. 68 degrees!!! That's crazy.
  14. Happy day and thank you very much!
  15. I don't know anything about fit, but a B with a 2 cycle would be cool!
  16. h67st


    Was the Louisville a good cab? When I've been in them the sheet metal seemed thinner than a Mack.
  17. Very nice! I see the cat is on the ground and nut under the hood. ;-)_
  18. Surprising! I figured Fram would be better quality than that.
  19. I need to get a set of the top seals (under the clamp area) for my 673--I have the copper seals. Is Mack the best place to go for these? Does anyone know the part number?
  20. That thing is hideous...I love it!
  21. In 1981, I was living in Miami FL...I bought a '68 Charger that had been down there all its life. In the early 90's the urge to finally buy my own Mack took over so I sold the Charger. I miss that car but I'd rather have my H67.
  22. I heard that they don't want black kittens because occult worshipers use them in sacrifice rituals. They'll adopt them and say they will take care of them but then use them in these rituals.
  23. I went all through the brakes on my '79 K2500 and bought all AC Delco parts from rockauto.com. Some of them were from China and Mexico but I'm used to AC parts being pretty good. The parts cost me way less than store brand parts from AZ or Advance. We usually buy calipers from the local stores simply because we need them right away...they usually last a year or two. I've been buying from Rock Auto for several years and I've been really happy with them.
  24. Someone needs to spend a day with a steam cleaner on that motor.
  25. The shaft doesn't have any support except for the u-joints...it has to be able to move around when the cab/frame flexes. If the slip joint has any slop it will have to be rebuilt or replaced (twisting slop, not in-and-out).
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