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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. Hey! I like the sound of a 2 stroke at full load...the world wouldn't be the same without them.
  2. Nice truck! I always thought the LTL9000's were sharp trucks. Tilting that hood is a two man operation unless he's got better helper springs than what came from the factory.
  3. If America is such a terrible place why are people from other countries dying to move here? I'd be willing to bet that anyone who's offended by these plaques have skeletons in their ancestors' closets that would offend someone else.
  4. That's a nice looking wrecker!
  5. Do you have any idea if they'll fit a 1960 camelback rear? I've got these on mine and I'd like to put maxis on it but as you can see there's no room for a #30 can.
  6. So are stud piloted the old style with a taper seat in the stud hole? I assume all the newer trucks have hub pilots with flat stud holes.
  7. Next time I drive a truck with air wipers I'll just confidently adjust the speed like I always knew that's how you do it. ;-)
  8. That sounds more like good country music than what they play on the radio in the US nowadays.
  9. Do people still use coal to heat houses, or what is it used for? I haven't seen anyone burning coal here in my neck o' the woods.
  10. There's an aftermarket aluminum guard on ebay for $85.00 plus shipping. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MACK-DUMP-TRUCK-Grille-Guard-Aluminum-New-Unused-Old-Stock-Aftermarket-/122757597678?hash=item1c94ec49ee:g:0qwAAOSwsW9Y0pVy&vxp=mtr
  11. Great video on unsticking the racks...I've never worked on a DD so just in case I ever do...
  12. Long nose Autocar! Looks nice.
  13. Decent looking truck in PA on eBay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1980-Mack-Superliner-E9-V8-/132354270311?hash=item1ed0ede467:g:HWMAAOSwzIVZdgwQ&vxp=mtr&autorefresh=true
  14. The only thing better than a bulldog is more bulldogs!
  15. I'm a spoke man myself...chrome rims would really look nice.
  16. Too bad about the rust...that would be a nice truck.
  17. There are some nice looking trucks on the ATHS back page for sale...an LTL in Delaware, and a B81 and an MH612 in Connecticut. I really wish I could get the LTL.
  18. I think they call that patina. It looks like part of the scene in No Country for Old Men when Josh Brolin stumbles upon the drug deal gone bad.
  19. This is a pretty clean looking truck in El Paso. You wouldn't find a rust-free one here in Ohio! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mack-DM49-Truck-Complete-Cab-and-Front-End-NO-RUST-Very-Clean-/112583735699?hash=item1a36837993:g:djkAAOSwVJhZUYyW&vxp=mtr
  20. That 8.97 ratio is wild! That's twice what my H67 has...
  21. Not exactly my cup of tea, but I really like seeing oddball trucks and ones that aren't common. Certainly makes a show more interesting.
  22. Macks, you've got something there...if you work hard and do something constructive with your free time, you won't have time to look for something to be unhappy about.
  23. 41chevy, you're exactly right. If you want something to change, you have to take it upon yourself. If you sit on your butt and/or collect your fat paycheck from the NFL, don't expect any change to happen (that is, if anything needs changing).
  24. Sorry to see this! That video is wild...I'll bet the guy in the wheelchair out front was hoping for a good outcome.
  25. Somebody needs to save those 700's. Is the cab interchangeable with an R model or Supe?
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