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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. Beautiful! Interesting that they put tubeless rims on it with bias ply tires up front.
  2. I got the frame rails separated from all their mates. The motor had blowby as well as a few oil leaks, so the front of the right frame rail is pristine. Too bad there weren't oil leaks farther back because there's lots of rust back there. Oh well, I'll clean it up and sandblast it.
  3. Looks fantastic...must have been a lot of hours of block sanding. Doing it right takes a lot of time and effort, but it really shows.
  4. That's 4 fine looking pieces of equipment. I like the R best but those Broncos look great!
  5. Amen to the fall! Crisp air, leaves turning, bonfires! Sounds like a very nice tradition for the weekend vehicles. Best of luck with your new business.
  6. Very nice truck. It's well worth fixing the storm damage.
  7. Nice truck! I'll bet it cost a fist full of dollars to take it back home.
  8. No problem...I know the NA motors are slow, but I like them! Besides, you get to see the back end of a lot of different vehicles when you drive one.
  9. Real engine!? I resemble that remark.
  10. I'm really glad to see you taking care of a truck that belonged to your dad's company...it's a good thing to keep your heritage going.
  11. Those 2 cycles sure sound nice when they're fully loaded. Great videos!
  12. I live in central Ohio and we have a lot of days between Spring and Fall that have nice blue skies. There's usually a few nice puffy clouds like today but still a beautiful blue sky. We do have our share of gray days but not all the time. We're in line with an international airport so I see a lot of contrails but they don't overpower the sky.
  13. The ad says it has a V8. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1973-mack-RS700L-daycab/172832545544?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  14. Yes, the dog button is better...thank you!
  15. You would definitely get more interest if you post some pictures.
  16. That's a shame...it could be straightened up to be a nice truck.
  17. If those rims were here in Ohio, I would buy them. I want to run 20's on my truck but my rims are too rusty. I would think you could sell them on Craigslist. On your spinner, do the wedges tighten all the way down to where they touch the hub? If so, you've got worn parts. There should be daylight between the hub and the wedge when the nuts are tight.
  18. When I worked at the Cat dealer in Columbus, we had a chassis dyno which is a great way to put the engine under load and watch the temps, pressures, fuel flow, etc. Compared to the cost of an overhaul, it could be cheap insurance.
  19. There are so many things wrong with that truck, but I love it!
  20. Great photos! The worst one I had was in a steel nose R model (RD?) with a Cat 3406. One of the rods broke and flailed around the crank journal, busting out both sides of the block. I don't think anything was salvageable.
  21. NOS panel on ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/202020943320?ul_noapp=true
  22. Thumbs up on that one, dogg rescue. When I worked in truck shops we found a lot of radiators plugged on the air side. If that's not it, how does the inside of the radiator look? Was the old coolant nasty? If that's okay, the water pump could be the culprit.
  23. Shore like that polished radiator and headlight panels!
  24. As for parts, wattstruckcenter.com carries a lot of B model parts. Kingofsalvage.com also carries quite a few B parts.
  25. Sorry to sound stupid, but what's the ground plane?
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