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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. That wood looks fantastic...really nice truck!
  2. If you can get it to a good Mack shop or someplace with a chassis dyno they may be able to figure it out. I worked in a Cat dyno shop and we could watch what was going on when you put a load on the motor...made diagnostics better.
  3. I used to have a problem with condensation but now I eat more fiber and drink more water.
  4. Pictures! We want pictures.
  5. I also did the wash & dry to my tank, clean as a whistle and no junk in filters now.
  6. Amen to that advice, SDog. My sediments exactly.
  7. Here's a pic my wife took with her big camera...I like it even though it's not a Mack!
  8. Yeah, and they had a lot of expensive parts on them. We used to have to replace the threaded pins, wood bushings, and shackles from time to time.
  9. Some Macks and a Brockway that pulled last night at the Hartford Fair in Croton, Ohio. The "Brockasaurus" won the class; he has that thing running like a song. The Big Mack Attack popped something on the motor and blew his hood off--it almost made me cry since the truck looked so nice beforehand. The two R models are driven by Kendra and Sondra Rodgers and they do a wonderful job but they run Mack engines which are much smaller than the Cummins KT1150's which most of the other trucks run. They still beat them sometimes!
  10. That F is sweet! It does have center point...I don't like the look, but they do stay straight on the road better.
  11. Yes, my H has 10:00-20 (tube type) radials on it.
  12. Did you build that light bar? Looks fantastic!
  13. I still have that 33 rpm record!! It's clear flexible plastic...all scratchy now cause when I was a kid I listened to it over and over. I think I got it from Commercial Carrier Journal magazine.
  14. Ours was called Columbus Brockway Sales & Service. Earl's was a Diamond Reo dealer.
  15. This picture was taken about 1964; my grandfather owned the Brockway dealer here in Columbus Ohio. New truck to be delivered; no idea what the specs were.
  16. Those big twin pipes look great! I'll bet the sound was pretty unique from that turbine.
  17. That is one beautiful truck. My dad had an Astro in the 70's, I prefered the Macks but I did like the tilt wheel and panoramic view from the driver's seat in the Astro.
  18. Very sharp looking truck!
  19. I can't open the attachment...anyone else able to?
  20. This truck is really turning out nice. Good work!
  21. Is this an EHU? Cab looks pretty bad. Sorry I couldn't get a photo, my computer wouldn't let me. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1940-MACK-C-O-E-/141004129935?_trksid=p2045573.m2042&_trkparms=aid=111000&algo=REC.CURRENT&ao=1&asc=27&meid=8628646231957107572&pid=100033&prg=1011&rk=3&sd=221245268774&&forcev4exp=true
  22. If these have maxi brakes, be very careful!! If you aren't familiar with spring brakes get some good advice before taking them apart.
  23. Found this on CL...looks nice, but don't know anything about it. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/3826696496.html
  24. On the video it sounds like he waited until he passed the girls to slam his hand in the door.
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