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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. That's a fine looking truck...why do the nice ones like that have to be so far away??
  2. Positive Crankcase Ventilation!!
  3. I have a full size GMC for hauling, but my daily driver is a Toyota Camry. I've been driving Toyotas since 1986, wouldn't have any other vehicle. They're built like a...well...they're just well built.
  4. That's a nice looking dump...I like the set back axle. If that dog's going to carry the ball, he'd better wear a helmet.
  5. I'm not up to snuff on newer Macks, but when I worked on trucks the biggest problem we saw was boost pressure leaks...split hoses, broken clamps, or cracked aftercooler. Look over all the pipes from your turbo to aftercooler and then to intake manifold.
  6. Beautiful DC-75 on ebay...show quality. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Professionally-restored-1965-Autocar-DC-75-/271178948859?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item3f238660fb#v4-40
  7. I've never had a Mack apart...when I was a kid I remember my dad's mechanic using dry ice to shrink new liners to slip them into a Mack block (673?). Are those "dry" liners (coolant doesn't touch the liner)? I worked on Cat and Cummins all my life; they use "wet" liners (coolant touches them)...they pull out pretty easy with a puller and you just "pop" them in with lube on the o-rings. We worked on a lot of engines that didn't get proper maintenance on the coolant, and cavitation would pit the liners to the point that they would either leak into the oil pan or right into the cylinder.
  8. Are you talking about a truck or a woman?
  9. Freightrain, it could have been built by Freightliner. Here's one I found online, but not the one I remember.
  10. Sorry, forgot to attach the picture.
  11. Not like these other trucks, but an Autocar just the same. This picture was taken in 1942, man's name was Dan Edwards. My granddad bought the business but kept the Edwards name.
  12. When I was a kid back in the 70's we went to the Ohio State Fair and they had a miniature PIE tractor trailer. It was a daycab COE, about the same size as "Fuzzy's". I can still remember how awestruck I was to see that little truck...whoever built it did a fantastic job.
  13. Two out of three photos look great!
  14. 220cummins, that B looks great...do you have some more photos here on the site?
  15. If this one's worth $14k, then mine's probably worth $20k!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1967-H-Model-H67-Mack-Tractor-Runs-and-partially-restored-/130868248952?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item1e785b0178#v4-40
  16. Looks great! Those trucks look beastly.
  17. Mack is definitely a better truck, but Pete makes a good one too...especially if you're gonna run all interstate. There's a lot worse trucks out there than Pete.
  18. Green Dash, that Fotki Overdrive scan is great...especially the cabover Pete with the 12V-71 in it (tractor of the month runner-up). I wonder how hard it was to maintain those 12 cylinder DDs.
  19. Thank you for the info!
  20. So why are there "359 extended hood" and "379" Petes? What is the difference?
  21. I hate to sound stupid, you'd think I'd be used to it by now...how do you change the middle tires?
  22. Ron, you're right...I hated looking in the mirror on curves because you leaned way over and the stack didn't. They had a crazy dual A/C system...I was told that they were nearly unrepairable.
  23. It was at the Grand View Lodge, actually in Randolph on Rt. 2.
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