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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. That brings back memories...in about 1973 one of my dad's drivers was in a B67, hit a large pothole and ran into the side of a TV station in Jacksonville Florida. Needless to say they had a cameraman out there posthaste and it made the evening news. The truck didn't fare so well...the whole truck was pretty well bent.
  2. This guy's selling a trailer and he says once the trailer goes he's going to sell the B model...gorgeous truck! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1972-Great-Dane-Dry-Van-Trailer-/110829225989?pt=Motors_Trailers&hash=item19cdefc805#v4-41
  3. There's a 1978 Super Liner in Illinois for $10,500...nice looking truck (on page 63 of the latest Wheels of Time). http://www.aths.org/uploads/HomePage/3dissue/index.html
  4. That's sad news. When I was a kid in 1973 my dad had a small fleet of mostly F600s in Jacksonville Florida. I remember Overnite traded in their H models for new Fs, and all those Hs were sitting in the weeds behind the Mack dealer rusting away.
  5. Notice the patch on the rear of the pass. side fender panel; this is to fix sagging caused by structural rust. $6k is pretty rich for that truck unless the drive train is like new.
  6. I just bought new rubber for my 1958 H67T at my local Mack dealer...it was the same for many years so your Mack dealer may have it.
  7. Man, that looks great! Looks like a new truck.
  8. Thank you for the help guys!!
  9. Can anybody tell me if the 673 and 711 injectors are the same?
  10. Thanks to a tip from 16390, I tried bleeding the injector lines. #4 cylinder is dead and it's shooting air back through, so I thought I'd pull an injector from a spare engine and swap it out. I was reading the post by oldmacktrucks from January that talked about using a slide hammer, air hammer, Shel's Supplies custom puller, or ladies foot bars. Would one of these ideas be best for my old 673? I'll soak it overnight with PB and have at it; wish me luck. One other question: If I have an old 711, would the injectors be the same? Are there model numbers on the injectors? Thank you!
  11. Truck is located in Oregon, looks to be in decent shape. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1955-MACK-B70ST-/160553581767?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item2561bd3cc7#v4-36
  12. Howdy! I just started working on my H67; hasn't been run for years so lots of work to do. I steamed out the fuel tank, put in fresh fuel, replaced all the fuel lines, and replaced the fuel filter can with a spin-on head. I've had it running several times and it doesn't matter if it sits overnight or for 5 minutes, when I start it it starves for fuel and I have to rev it to keep it from stalling. Once it gets past that point, it will stay running. I checked the standpipe and all the fittings; I don't see where it would be sucking air. What about the hand primer base or check valves...can someone tell me if they've had a problem there? This photo is from the previous owner, it looks pretty much like that now. Thank you for any help you can give!
  13. Jakebrake and Freightrain, those are both sharp-looking rigs. What if you converted the drive axle suspension to air ride light Freightrain did? Would that make it ride smooth enough?
  14. If you enlarge the photo from the Hank's website you can definitely make out the single-cylinder gas engine in that box. I wonder if you had to pull-start that motor when you wanted AC?!
  15. Here's a Brockway with an F model cab on eBay...looks pretty solid. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1969-Brockway-Cabover-Single-Axle-Truck-/220736436978?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item3364eabaf2#v4-31
  16. I have an old Smith truck...it's a 59 H model. Pretty well rusted but I'll save the good parts off of it for my other projects.
  17. Amen on piping exhaust in to cut/weld a tank...I've done that on a gas tank and it worked (I'm still alive!).
  18. Great paint job...I like the color! What kind of paint and paint gun did you use?
  19. Howdy! I have a spin-on base with no bleeder line on it. Can I replace the canister-type filter on my '59 673 with this base? Or do I have to have to have the bleeder line? Thanks very much.
  20. I notice you call that extra line a "bleeder line"...is it necessary? I have a standard spin-on base; can I replace the canister type filter with this base?
  21. Howdy! Is there anything wrong with putting a spin-on fuel filter base on my 673? I notice there's a bypass line from the canister filter housing to the return line. Is this necessary if I install a spin-on? Thanks very much for your help!
  22. I've heard about the bleeding elsewhere...it makes sense. I was a mechanic years ago and we even bled the luberfiners on the newer trucks.
  23. It has the 500 luberfiner. Thanks for the help!
  24. Hello! Can someone tell me how much oil a '59 673 holds? Is it okay to run Rotella 15w-40 in this motor? It's only a play truck, I won't be pulling any loads with it. Thanks in advance!
  25. Yes, it's a nice truck. It does have the entire powertrain, although Ed says it doesn't run right.
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