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Everything posted by brad_kelly

  1. Reading U update - the CL posting had been deleted by its author.
  2. Ken - thanks for doing the legwork. I was going to post that (with a caveat to the darkness - on my monitor I could not even make it out as a U or R). I'll take #3 dibs on a look at the tractor. Brad
  3. Great tool; beats the heck out of the 2.5-ton Snap-On I have, especially since it's broken! How much input PSI does it need?
  4. In my never-ending search for the perfect older Mack flatbed, I came across this on the Phila CL. Wayyy too big for me but from the pictures it appears clean, and if you believe the ad/odo, low miles. No connection to me... http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/cto/4842373891.html Take care< Brad
  5. Louie - you can try this site as well: http://www.fentonfire.com/antique_fire_trucks/
  6. Hi - what is your location? That will help the guys figure out which yards might be near you. Brad
  7. Just posting this here, I think this is a motivated seller from what I saw on the Brockway board. He did a very nice job on this truck from what I can see from the pictures posted. http://www.ebay.com/itm/191452829576?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&fromMakeTrack=true
  8. Keep craigslist in mind if you haven't tried there already (http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/search/prk)
  9. Welcome, Matt. I walked in a parade in Lansdale back in ~2003 right in front of that truck. I really liked that the bulldog had a sweater for the colder weather. I sent you an e-mail...
  10. There's a U-model right behind it for $5500. Red alert to Vinny! http://newjersey.craigslist.org/clt/4281731731.html
  11. He's only 14 - and he has a Mack truck already??? Happy birthday, Vinny!
  12. Hope you feel better soon, Speed.
  13. Patrick - Nice site and nice B; on the website, could I suggest you put your location (even if you just say PIttsburgh) and contact phone on your home page and not just in Contact Us? Anything you can do to make it easier for customers to contact you will help. Take care, Brad
  14. Here's the link - hopefully I got the right one, this is in Binghamton, NY. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1969-Brockway-N360TL-Cummins-power-10-spd-Eaton-Fuller-Roadranger-SLHD-Rockwell-/251432255424?pt=Other_Vehicle_Parts&hash=item3a8a87bfc0&vxp=mtr#ht_238wt_1105
  15. I'll just have to lose 170 lbs. to meet the weight requirement, that shouldn't be too hard.
  16. All - Came across this tonight, no connection. Apologies if it has been posted and commented on before. 237 with duplex, looks to be in very decent shape (has already been restored once per the writeup). Starting bid at $10K. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1960-Mack-B61-B-Model-Mack-with-Wrecker-Body/251388198413?_trksid=p2045573.m2042&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D18472%26meid%3D2962466269164987328%26pid%3D100033%26prg%3D8385%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D181268022157%26 Take care, Brad
  17. JT - if we have bad mosquitoes this year, we'll need you to drive out and do a few full-throttle take-offs in front of the house, that should take care of the problem. Brad
  18. I agree, that would be excellent advertising for "yinzes", I'd reconsider! What a pretty truck, it'll be hard to find anything that nice again.
  19. Hey Randy, what time of the day is best to show up there? My wife's uncle used to work for John, Sr. eons ago.
  20. Although the truck is on Phila craigslist, it might actually be on Long Island - Islandia, NY near Ronkonkoma - based on area code in listing, plus the name on the truck (C.H. Dennis).
  21. Ditto, great show, nice people, nice selection of trucks - and a demo!. Was amazed at the one vendor that did the truck wood carvings; I didn't think I could get my wife to go for the $4500 tanker-based jewelry box. But it was neat to look at - especially the wicker air/electrical lines to the trailer.
  22. Thanks for the post! Definitely recognize ol' PA 66, my friend lives in Apollo been on that road a lot. Moore School Bus up there has a Mack wrecker - 707 gas, quadraplex. The mechanic would always tell my friend, "when I miss one in that thing, I gotta find a wide spot and start over again." Yeah, Dad needs more practice. I almost had to turn the volume down to keep from cringing. But what a great project and time to share with him - definitely worth the crunching! Keep up the good work.
  23. Piling on - I've decided owning a truck is way beyond both my checkbook and my skillset; but it would be cool to have some more die-casts, Keith, you're within driving distance of me, too.
  24. I was going to ask you why you posted a smiley under the eBay thread - that's the same truck, right? Still looks good!
  25. Nice work, Randy!
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