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Everything posted by philatruck

  1. That truck was sale on Ebay a few years back. Is that beam trailer next to it their's too?
  2. The Green is Dark Green, and The Red is Shell Oil Red. https://www.carpaintonline.com/paints-byfleet.php?FleetId=2058&Letter=J
  3. Know it's a crapshot, but a nice RD600.
  4. Found on the net, JDM Rd 600 Grapple crane. This truck was repainted in 2011. I actually found on the net what paint codes they use if anyone wanted to buy and paint something in their colors. https://www.flickr.com/photos/69306456@N06/14890194856/
  5. Found this on the internet from 1967, I see some Buckley trucks, and a Warner B Model. Warner Co. was the largest materials and concrete supplier in there area, they had a fleet of equipment and trucks even including a walking dragline. I think they where absorbed by Hanson, but maybe MikeD can chime in on them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ougnREVP79M
  6. Ok cool Mike, JPC and Miniscalco (and Preston Construction) do a lot of work together, so I thought they where on the same job. I also seen Miniscalco working at the pumping station on State Road Last year too. I have to take a ride down there, and see all the work going on overthere.
  7. I have been seeing their Granite lowboy of lately. There is a lot of working going on at Sugarhouse JPC Group is doing most of the work on a big sewer there, and AP Construction has their Manitowoc 4100 across the street. Miniscalco might be a sub on one of the projects.
  8. Nice Pics, Like Miniscalco's RD Model. When I think of a Philly Speced Mack truck, that's what I picture. MikeD, Miniscalco got a lot of their stuff up in your yard.
  9. I missed the show,was too busy, but I did see that Red B-81 Dump truck in my neck of the woods in Bensalem on Saturday night.
  10. Carr and Duff pressure digger Mack, I think it's a DM600? They run everything and have several other Macks mostly setup as dump trucks. Now that its nice out, hopefully I can set some more pics of some Philly Macks.
  11. One thing I like about their fuel trucks, is they decal them like NYC Style fuel/oil trucks,with their name on the side of the tanks, and the truck number on the doors. It is plain but at least it is green instead of white. Also got a get a pic of a nice Light green Superliner that is parked on Decatur Road
  12. Like the vintage Anderson Pics, do they still have the Superliner, I know they have a Superliner, but I don't know if it is the same truck or not? Now that springs here maybe I can get some nice truck pics. JDM also got a new Mack GU813 Fuel Truck, Green cab, and aluminum fuel tank.
  13. Mike D that water truck is kept at SJA's main plant, off of S 26th street, down from D'Angelo's yard. Also visible from the Giriad Pointe Bridge.
  14. They have a lot CX613's, but they also have a lot of Sterlings, and possibly smaller Freightliners.
  15. Jesse Baro in Douglasville PA has an All Mack Truck Fleet. I see their trucks once in a while. http://www.jessebaro.com/
  16. Penndot Mack RD still on the job busy plowing, where supposed to get even more snow tonite
  17. Anderson T141 I found on Flickr, still has the push frame on it. http://www.flickr.com/photos/runway27r/8754684274/sizes/o/
  18. Nice Pics Dan, accidents with dump truck plows hitting sings, bridges are very common. I guess you are keeping busy this winter with all this snow. Like Andersons Plow Lineup One of you trucks in the storm. Could be a SJA Truck. http://www.flickr.com/photos/kaitlinmarie/5393588842/
  19. Whats left of a DM690 Another Mack, and beat up Autocar.
  20. Found this on Flickr, Durkin's DM 800 with a Scraper. http://www.flickr.com/photos/44486065@N07/10708126546/in/photolist-hjeWXu-fHPxJP-fHwhMQ-f4LAFG-eEB5Em-e3WRoe-e3dBEv-e3dBEa-dYzPWs-dXJr7k-dXQ7Sj-dBBxwm-dB7b3N-dAb7rj-dA5CT8-dAazf3-dA7uPf-dy28Lf-dvxFYF-dvDgFL-doZ4Ur-doZ4ST-ddhPtP-ddhPvT-cWcmGq-chknuq-cgHk3w-cgHk1o-cg8jiw-cg8jnu-cg86LN-cg86Ro-bivNPv-bivNMz-biv36t-biv38g-b16veK-b135GK-b135Ga-aZSPbH-aZSPdi-aZK9MP-aWdt5Z-aWdt8M-aRr3Ac-ahSoaC-acrbE7-9WeCPw-9Weqv9-9WegS5-9JGFSA
  21. Thanks Dan for getting a pic of it, like what Rich said, I see it mostly in Bristol PA, near 413, and I-95. I could never get a pic of it, neat looking R Model Though. I am still guessing what kind of body this truck has on, it looks like a lube body, but it has giant tank in the rear. I also see a red International 4300 and small Cabover (I think a UD) box truck with the racing stripes on the side of it too.
  22. My favorite generation of the F-Series, and in my opinion, the best pickups ever made. These trucks will last forever. A lot of construction companies in my area use this generation F-250, and F-250HD's, as labor trucks, and they are beat to crap, but still continue to run strong. My dad had 96, and my uncle had a 93 F-150XL, both with straight 6's, very solid truck. My uncle put about 325,000 miles on the original engine, and tranny before trading it in. Case in Point,
  23. That's good because it's a 60$ truck. I collect HWs, and they are really valuable.
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