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Everything posted by tom1642

  1. nothing in wiki for this truck
  2. Hello anyone have a wiring digram for 1997 Mack RD 690 . Any help is appreciated.
  3. 1997 Rd 690 Intermittment Buzzer probelm. i know the kysor system uses the buzzer for low coolant, high water temp and low oil preasure and also the air preasure sensors will triger the buzzer and i have replaced with all need sensors , in my truck is 3 air preasure sensors which i have changed. i have problem with intermittment buzzer going off. i have installed new buzzer assy. appears to be 3 circuits on the buzzer. does anyone know if the buzzer controls any other circuits ? i need to try and trouble shoot this problem. seems when you move on and off the seat and also if you turn steering wheel. i have replaced every sensor new under the dash.
  4. finally fixed the problem today, after checking out all the wiring and connections everything was perfect. i took out the new speed sensor and decided to check the depth from the ring tone gear. much to my amazement the speed sensor threaded into the housing with finger preasure and then when it stoped as it was bottomed out to the ring gear. after checking the depth measure from ring gear to bottom of sensor there was an air gap of more than 3/8 of an inch. when i saw this i new this had to be the problem. the problem was the threads in the housing. ran tap into the threads until i hit ring gear, installed the new sensor and made adjustment to bottom out sensor on ring gear and then back off a half turn. started the truck and took for a ride and speedometer works perfect. the problem was too much air gap between the sensor. the threads in the hosuing were not letting the sensor go in all the way. thank god i found the problem was driving me crazy.
  5. hello the truck has a mack transmission. today i took out the new speed sensor to view the gear that is on the yooke, i believe called ring gear. it appears to be be ok and i tried with screw driver to see if i could move gear. the gear is attached sloid to the yoke , so is definetly turning when the truck is driven. i was thinking to attach multi meter with a spare connector i have attached to the speed sensor and see if it produces any current while i drive the truck. i have checked continunity on all wires and every thing checks out and also i checked for a grounded wire from speed sensor all is ok. i was looking at article on checking 2 wire speed sensor and when is working properly produces an ac current and you are suppose to be able to measure with mulitmeter, so i am going to try this tomorrow . the speedometer was working and just stopped. replaced with new speedometer and still i can not get the speedometer to work. i am totally baffled and do not know how to correct this problem. any help is much appreciated, sincerely Tom
  6. hello Glen thanks for the info , pulled out sensor and you can not turn the ring gear . i did notice a small acculmation of fine metal particles on the sensor magnet, cleaned and reinstalled and still no luck. went to the mac dealer here in florida and was told the ring almost never is a problem, and to repalce you have to buy the yoke assembly and the gear is pressed onto the yoke as an assambley. also rechecked all the electrical wiring. there are 5 lines to speedo, one is power , one is ground , one is for cluster light and the other two go directly to the sensor. all line schecked out ok. to go futher ran conunity check on the two lines to sensor and is perfect, also ran teat light from power to the two sensor lines to see if there was a short to ground. all wiring is perfect and all connections were cleaned and are making contact. so now i am reall confused and do not know how to fix this probem. any help is appreciated. note replaced new speedo and also sensor and no luck
  7. Speedometer Problem Not Working - Was having problem with speedometer not working , installed to sensor on the transmission and then the speedometer started to work but would not work until at leat going 40 miles per hour, below that was not working. Went to Mack dealer and bought new speedometer and installed with the dip switches on back of speedometer to exactly what was orginal. now the speedometer does about the same thing and you need to be going about 40 for the speedometer to register and miles per hour is not accurate . Looked at install manual supplied with new speedometer and did the calculation by the manual and changed the dip switches setting to the manual calculation, still nothing. checked and there is power to the speedometer , checked wiring connections and plugs and all seems to be fine. there appears to be no brokem wires. .PLEASE I NEED HELP TO SLOVE THIS PROBLEM
  8. Hello replaced new Keysor Module and warning buzzer under left side dash panel. Also replace low water sensor, high temperature warning sensor , Temperature gauge sending unit, low oil preasure sensor , and low air preasure sensor switch. I believe there are no other sensors that control this. Also installed new warning buzzer, thought everything was working well , there is no oil preasure problem, water temp is perfect and low water is perfect. What is happening is when you drive the truck and in traffic and you are stopped, if you turn the steering wheel to the right or left will set off warning buzzer. I was thinking the warning buzzer controls only low water , high temp , low oil preasure and low air preasure and directional lamps left and right . Is there anything else that is connected to the warning buzzer. I need help to slove this problem, Thanks in advance for any help or input. Is crazy that the warning buzzer goes of like this. Anyoner have this problem ?
  9. thanks for the message, i did not realize that the directional lights also work of the warning buzzer.
  10. need help having a problem with low water, high temp , and oil preasure waring lights and buzzer. i was told is kaiser system. replaced new kaiser control box and buzzer located on drivers side under dash from mack dealer.. also replaced high temp sensor, low waring sensor. problem is the buzzer will come on at different times. the oil preasure is perfect and the water temperature is perfect. tell me what does this buzzer control. when you unplug from buzzer appears that there are 3 circuits. would like to know exactlty what circuits control the buzzer to go on. maybe i am missing a circuit. note when i turn on the rt and left directionals lights, everythime the lights flash the buzzer will buzz, can not understand what is causing this. thought replacing everything would correct the problem, please any help appreciated, thanks Tom
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