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Everything posted by Joeyk3d

  1. thanks glen!! Which design are you referring too??
  2. I've bin thrown off too!! I learned so much from everyone on here!! I
  3. I remember my dad talking about him w trucks wen I told him he made the repairs on railroad trucks.. Looks like he had some sweet lookin iron back in the day..I believe he may have bin a Passaic county Sherrif too??
  4. that's so cool you had that pic n article .. I only kno him as he did repairs on railroad vehicles.. I never really seen his trucks. He still has dumptrucks parked there in his yard.I remember they went out every day.. I don't even know if they are his
  5. true statement there!! So many nessasary repairs take priority.. Things like that never make the list on Saturdays .. Believe it or not.. Don't bother driver at all.. So I guess he will wait til it becomes a have to fix..
  6. hey rob!! Yeah he parks right by county yard and then it hit me... Jersey Mack's!! Nice lookin.. On that subject.. What (note the h) haha are you doin with yours?? Gonna fix it??
  7. Welcome Joe! Kinda new here myself. Great guys n gals here. A lot of cool pics.. And everything you ever wanted to know about Mack trucks!!
  8. it just hit me now Bruce underwall.... BJM truck repair on 1&9 in Elizabeth ???
  9. you got it!!
  10. Went by George cousins today... Best I could do..
  11. you got it!!
  12. cant wait to see more pics!! And if possible every step of the way!!
  13. Awesome pics!! I hope you will post more.!! It would be great to see the whole process and watch it all come together..
  14. I'm wondering how you knew it was re-cab?? Is it the color??
  15. its a 1979 chassis .. Truck rolled over and cab was replaced I'm told that is mid to late 80's
  16. I wanna thank all you guys for the great replies!!! Not on the road YET!!! She's ready to go though. I'm gonna put plates.. Maybe October..I jus have in- transit plate now and ride it empty.. Really wanna put a load of dirt in there!! It's not a Breen truck. Originally owned by Tobar in morristown NJ.. Gonna get some pics of interior 4 you guys!!
  17. Correction... Kit Cat
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