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Everything posted by Joeyk3d

  1. Welcome kit!! I really liked your thread "animals" and you like to wrench!! That's so cool!!
  2. I know!! It sticks out!! The tailgate linkage sticks out in front of body.. I have figured out a solution to tuck the exhaust in. Expensive muffler and a pain in the ass!!
  3. Joeyk3d


    How many times I seen that on the road!!!
  4. Joeyk3d


  5. You can always make offer just his starting #. It's not firm. He's a great guy and I'm sure he would negotiate..
  6. Well I hope my punctuation and my sentence structures are ok ...
  7. I think I heard of them guys...
  8. oh did I miss something funny
  9. did I miss something here??
  10. wat is an h key??
  11. He is a great guy and very honest !!
  12. I couldn't answer those questions. He is a freind of mine.. I have never bin under that truck. Except now to take pics
  13. See details in antique trucks.
  14. 65 k rears. Truck originally a concrete mixer louixza?? Owned.. Present owner has had It 40 years. 750 Holmes wrecker truck runs n operates !!
  15. it is 4 sale!! Located in Belleville nj 973 759 6592 .. Jerry. 10 k or b/ o
  16. it is 4 sale!! Located in Belleville nj 973 759 6592 .. Jerry. 10 k or b/ o
  17. Truck located in Belleville NJ. He asking 10k or best offer... Jerry.. 973 759 65927596592
  18. Truck located in Belleville NJ. He asking 10k or best offer... Jerry.. 973 759 65927596592
  19. Thank you so much!! It's wat I wanted to understand !!! Thank you thank you
  20. Well as long as no major breakdowns at C&A .. I take day off.. And be there
  21. I'm still in a grey area?? And I do appreciate everyone's feedback and knowledge on this subject ... I thank you all!!! A lot of feedback and I'm trying to understand is all..the motor pulls good n strong... It is wat it is.. My question??? Where in the # ETZB675 gets translated that its a 237 and someone put a side mt cooler??im trying to understand that for head knowledge..
  22. isnt it the same block??wat info tells you that's wat it is?? This is all I'm trying to understand ?? Still confused??
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