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Everything posted by Joeyk3d

  1. On subject of Kevin Breen.. Great man as you know.. Have you seen his new desk???
  2. 2 of his trucks got stolen.. Right thu the gate in Hackensack yd.. Trucks never found.. 2 years later he's on vacation in Dominican Republic.. He's lookin at a construction job goin on and wat does he see??? Haha he says you can still see the name on the door!!
  3. Rob knows his trucks!!!
  4. I'm lookin in service man.. Looks like a Robert bosch more than American bosch.
  5. Ok b61 on the job!!! Not totally sure. Linkage goes forward .. Gov... Cover is 4 bolt square ( like a chunky candy bar). I can get #s off it
  6. When I asked this question to him he said wats the difference it's a285 that's it I jus wanna know..
  7. He's gonna come down and turn up pump for me..he had the best lookin trucks!! An ace behind a wrench!! He like many other guys know wat Trans wat rears w wat tires will go wat speeds?? I'm amazed at that.. They know wat combos work and don't work.. I'm lucky I can figure out my paycheck!!
  8. John Mauro was down my garage he say the 5 indicates maxi... The 676 was a " shift Motor" as he called it.. Meaning it had a Trans w gears behind it????? I'm so confused!!!
  9. Not sure hossein..wat Trans in that r rob??
  10. I know it ain't 350. So wat is it?
  11. So I thought I read 237 ..285..300.315.. Even 350 all same block?? So without tag how can I know for sure wat hp rating is??
  12. I've read the Mack engine serial page.. I thought the 5 in 675 indicated maxi dyne ?? It's wat was in it wen I got it.. I'm so lost ..
  13. Metal is truly not wat it used to be.. Can't believe where it cracked.. Anything can be repaired at wat cost I know.. Gotten any prices on the repair yet??
  14. Hey guys wondering if anyone can answer or explain to me.. I have 285 tip turbine. Wat were the differences between 285... 300....315... I have no id plate on my motor serial is etzb675. Chassis # don't help.. Cause Mack tells me it should read ENDT.... It's a 79
  15. Now to me that sounds like some cool trucks!! And your still in the superliner.. I drove them wat an awesome view out over that hood!! Classic truck there I still see em and I still stop n stare!!
  16. I have asked to buy over the years he always said he wants to keep it.. Saw building up for sale and don't think he's gonna take it home I will post as soon as I talk to him
  17. It's in Belleville nj.. I know he is selling building and property..
  18. I never see trucks like I used to see. I always rode w my dad in 70's every chance I could. I remember hangin out the window in awe at all the trucks w chrome n pinstripe.
  19. Closest I could find rite now!! Haha .. I get you some.. Soon..
  20. Wats this one??
  21. The DM 800 I would say is my favorite truck. I drove all different trucks in my life..and no matter wat the choices I choose that old Mack everytime
  22. You know wat vinny I bin reading on here more than a year.. And believe me wen I tell ya.. Wen I come across one I will pix and send them right over how's yours comin along?? I seenthe red cab .. Looked great!! Wat color nose you gonna put?? Finish painting spokes yet???
  23. Big dog I was gonna put on my truck... A child's dream... A mans nitemare!!
  24. How bout this?? I remember putting blinker on and I would jus sit n stare at that fender!!
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