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Everything posted by Joeyk3d

  1. Guys used to (in my words) PARADE their trucks and most time people would stop and admire. Now it's how fast can you get back?? My father told me wen I started driving if you ever beat on my truck for the the sake of a contractor I will beat on you!! Times have changed. Sad . Now run your ass off make no money.. Wat part of 17?? Your own contract or sub or jus drivin ??
  2. I know you guys like the B's. this may be for sale can find out.. Cherry!!!
  3. On the subject of boat rides... Ever heard Kevin Breen 's story??
  4. I know about them boat rides...I buy it back if that was even a thought in his mind
  5. Wen he got it he changed it to neg. ground. Installed maxi brake system. ( the drum ebrake still on driveshaft ) that truck started on the coldest of days. No either.it would chug for 5 seconds then blow a puff of smoke out the pipe.. I remember so well cause whenever he would start it I ran to the other side cause I jus loved the smell and the sound of that motor running.. Music to my ears.. He'll I'm 43 and still ride w the pass window open!!! You know wat I mean!!!
  6. That's 1968 IRON rite there!! I keep my eye on it!! Don't know if its in me to restore another one?? That truck means a lot to me.. I learned to drive with my dad yelling at me from pass seat!! Haha
  7. I know it!! I always loved that color green.. Things don't always change 4 the better!!
  8. Haha you speak the truth.. Back in the day it was all about pride in your truck.. And yea once your in its for life!!
  9. Try n make this a quick story... My dad bought this truck in '82 from J.Riggi of jersey city or Elizabeth I forget.. My brother in law Tony(Ritacco const.. Belleville nj) owns it now as a site truck and yes he painted it that awful blue. It was a Mack green w red body n chassis. Then I painted body green. 250 hp w quad.. Key was in it so I turned it.. Lit right up!! It's bin very neglected over last 10 years
  10. Your not alone w that answer rob.. The time was right for everyone to think that so here it goes Big Time Operator !!
  11. I'm born in1970 myself.. The name tedesco sounds so familiar... You remember where from??
  12. BTO Enterprises...owned by Joey Passaro Is still TRUCKIN !! Still running 2 Western stars.. Joe sr.. Recently retired and Joseph A Passaro.. Aka(Jr.) ( don't think he likes that no more) is running the trucks now... They are very special people to me.. I've known them a long time!! Here's a bit of trivia.... Anyone know wat B T O stands for??
  13. I hate workin on that truck!! We'll leave it at pretty well used... Now that's the tilt nose I'm talking bout.. Bto sold the dk recently. I don't know who got it though. I remember when they bought it think like 87 or 88 beautiful truck was white w black n red stripes.
  14. I got one out of my DM. put in digital. 2 and 1 sixteenth hole for gauge with wire and probe
  15. When you say egt do you mean pyrometer??
  16. This #16. Not sure where from. Says YSD TRUCKIN on cab shield ??
  17. #9 came from BTO ORiginally veneiro truck
  18. He has no western stars. I don't know which one from n Bergen .. It's not BTO (Joey Passaro) from secaucus you mean??
  19. PS...... Earthco..... Sssshhhhhhh!!!!
  20. Gotta say rob you know wat your talkin bout!!! #5 was pk truck and yes #10.. Scinto or scinta?? He was always at shows.burned up!! On rt 46 in front of park west diner in w paterson You know how they run bat cables from right side to left it rubbed thru fuel crossover and you know wat that is.. Steel braided .. Someone told where truck is can't remember now.. I had pix gone now nuttin left even cab shield melted
  21. Forgot pic..
  22. This is jack. My sisters dog.. A rescue from cruel owners who kept him outside because he pee in house Turned out poor little guy had kidney stones.. She had operation dun.. He still pees.. Solution ...he wears a diaper. Great little dog!!
  23. #15...
  24. C&A #4
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