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About realwolfdaddy

  • Birthday 07/02/1966


  • Location
    Whiteville NC

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    B models R models Ac models lj models
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  1. 500.00 starter fixed it, running great now!
  2. Awesome, I'd hate to go home after a day putting those new parts on.
  3. Worst part of the job ubolts on springs need a torque of 1700lbs each. torque multiplier helps 20' bar works too.
  4. More pictures the better. Never bored here. I look forward to each update. Thanks
  5. Little off topic but i know ya'll can help. I have a Galion 118b with a 4-71 that hasn't ran in 7 years. I attempted to start it after all these years. bled the system, started it with rack stuck, removed the injectors loosen the racks, now it runs idles but only using the lever on the governor, but the input via throttle pedal or hand doesn't have an effect on rpms. I knows this sounds crazy me asking but the machine has been vandalized and all the gauges broken so the crazy part i haven't checked the oil pressure yet, I will replace next time I start it. The question does the throttle input require a certain amount of oil pressure to operate rpms? and how scarey is working on a detroit governor? Thanks
  6. This truck was an R model Mack's biggest competition in our area 4o years ago.
  7. Do you have to worry about warping with sand blasting the panels, or are they heavy enough gauge to resist warping.?
  8. My Cat dealer told me hydraulic oil is 110.00 per 5 gallon bucket! OUCH!!!!! when will this all stop?
  9. Have to agree on Caterpillar, I use my heavy equipment rarely and my D7E has been as long as 2 years without stating and fire right up, but after 7 years, i know too buy new ones as its 24 volts and both have to be in great shape to start.
  10. I have a John deere 4720 that was purchased in 04 That still has It's original John deere battery, it isn't used but in the summer and seems to be ready each spring, with no special treatment. I have bought a few batteries from Tractor Supply that lasted only 14 months for another JD I have. I've bought several Optima Batteries and have been very pleased with them, the only problems I have had, are one that was charged for five days, "I didn't know the timer was broken on my charger", ruined, but it was 8 years old. and a red top Optima that was drained many times dead from a bad alternator. I was curious what length of time other's have had ? What battery they recommend? I use to be a Delco fan, till I had several bust or crack around the post spilling acid everywhere. Thanks Kevin
  11. The driver's look like escaped felon's .
  12. This show was more than I could bear. This over drama is killing these shows as for this show it has to be a joke.
  13. hook it straight to the batteries as usual
  14. favorite non Macks 1 Autocar contructor 2 Kenworth W900l 3408 cat 3 Peterbuilt Needle nose 4 White mustang 5 Dodge Bighorn 6 Kenworth Aerodyne kta600 Cummins 7 White 3000 8 Chevrolet above is cool 9 Ford 1959 F1100 with hood scoop 10 Cabover Peterbuilt 3 windshield wipers
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