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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by PeterMack

  1. Saw this on a cold day in January.
  2. Wow I would say that is the same truck. That's cool to see it's out there still earning. That would catch my eye if it went by.
  3. Great topic. So many antiques and show rides just disappear. In a couple cases of some working show trucks I have seen them get totalled in wrecks. Had a Superliner near me with a small bunk and E9 that burned in a shop fire. I took this picture of this blue B model at Louisville about 20+ years ago and I haven't seen it since.
  4. Stahl does good work. Dad just had his truck there for an ECM issue and my uncle had his 953 there getting the engine rebuilt.
  5. I've got a few.....hundred. Mostly 1/34th. More to the left and right of me not in the picture.
  6. Mine has the pump on the back side of the generator.
  7. Thanks. I will try some atf and see where it gets me.
  8. I replaced all my power steering hoses, and cleaned out the reservoir on my 64. The fluid was red when I dumped it out. I've heard of guys running atf for power steering fluid. Can this be done on this truck or is there something more specific that I should be looking for?
  9. I saw that truck in Peoria. I didn't even bother taking a picture of it. To each his own, but that thing is ugly!
  10. That Superdog needs to be in my barn and not the weeds.
  11. I want to say Superdog just put a set of those up for sale a day or two ago. I think he had them on the scrap Mack's page or possibly the Steel Dash Mack's page. He is selling a bunch of stuff right now.
  12. Saw this at Richland Center Wi last fall.
  13. PeterMack

    Mike H.

    Mike unfortunately had a stroke. He said there was no permanent damage, but they did yank his CDL for six months. He is selling some of his trucks for some income. Sounds like he is on the road to recovery, but has a ways to go yet. He had a list of the trucks he was selling on his personal FB page and I think he posted the same list on the Scrap Macks FB page and maybe one other.
  14. Awesome. Cool truck. Best of luck with the resto.
  15. The story I got on this Scumset truck was that his trailer got tipped, he hooked back up, and then drove off the tipper over a pile of dirt and got hung up on it. The landfill would not pull him off because they did not want to be responsible for any damage so they had to get a wrecker to lift him off.
  16. I saw Ranchoppers old ride over the summer. Doesn't look as good as it used to.
  17. Mackey, I saw your lowboy headed north on 53 the other day.
  18. Had to upright these. My Neck was hurting looking at them
  19. Dick Lein. He has a Detroit powered Superliner now and a Detroit powered Jeep he brings to the shows. Took this at Richland Center Wi back in October. He had the Jeep in the trailer and used the lift gate to get it out.
  20. I think you can. My friend had the twin to that truck and he bought a couple from Pomps. I do want a new set of steers for it when summer rolls around, so I will find out for sure then.
  21. They should try working a Superliner face onto that truck
  22. Yes it is! I need to clear a few pictures out of my phone. This CH layed over at Curran's in DeKalb two years ago. I remember this truck showed up for about two weeks at the end of that summer. He didn't last long.
  23. Since it is a high of 0 today I was looking at pictures of warmer days. Had the trucks out in the backyard over the summer for my own little truck show.
  24. Not a Mack, but I thought you guys might still enjoy this slight miscalculation by Builders Asphalt.
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