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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by PeterMack

  1. Saw this Kennit Exc RB the other day. I think its the same one I had posted way back with blue flames on the front. Maybe got a new paint job.
  2. All that truck is, is a Chevy or GMC with Mack badges and a bulldog. Nothing Mack about it except a couple emblems.
  3. Was in Waterman last week for a tractor/truck show and the Underdog trucks were parked around the corner. I noticed I hadn't seen them in awhile. Story that I got was they are owned by the bank now. Looks like they've been parked for a bit. I know they are on the I-pass super scofflaw list. They made top 10. Thats a big bill! http://www.illinoistollway.com/documents/10157/3169644/Super+Scofflaw+List_FINAL.pdf
  4. There's a stop light about every 10 feet on the road that truck was on, no fuel mileage on that road.
  5. Saw a few Mack's the other day. I'm thinking the Avalon truck must get about 15mpg's with all the fairings and wheel coverings.
  6. That's a sharp looking B-model. The Pittsburgh pedestrians are looking good also.
  7. Been working out west lately, saw a Value Liner sitting in a barn at the one pit I was in, saw Fischer Exc CL700 lowboy, and saw an R model pulling a tag trailer.
  8. Saw this white RD the other day with no lettering on it, and this Bucyrus Erie still working, although its not a Mack I'm pretty sure that's an old R-model fuel tank strapped to the back of the Bucyrus.
  9. Looks like Berger is the first one around these parts to try out a Titan. A friend passed this picture along to me today.
  10. Yep. I have a picture of it posted way back somewhere.
  11. I was up in the north woods of Wisconsin last weekend doing some boating and ATV activities at a friends cabin. While I was there I finally got a picture of this sweet looking General. It's been there for years but I have not had the time to get a picture. Good looking old truck that seems to be in good shape.
  12. Looks like Nissen brought one of their old R-model back out to play. This used to be their lowboy truck until they got their Granite. It must have been in a barn because I have not seen it in years. Looks like its got a new plate coming, still looks to be in decent shape.
  13. These are a few pics from the last week or two. Saw a stork Mack, Saw a newer Granite township truck getting some gravel, saw a red R-model from Geneva that I've never seen before, and a Kyler Exc red R-model.
  14. Found this MR on the internet machine, I've never seen this one running around but they also have a Volvo all fancied up that I have seen.
  15. I believe it is fairly recent.
  16. Tommy B passed this picture to me of this Kamp truck. Looks sharp with the shiny Axle trailer hooked to it.
  17. Saw the Northern IL Service CL700 yesterday, was also in one of their pits and saw their big 992 feeding the crusher, and saw an R-model six wheeler.
  18. Ha, what a P.O.S! Diesels are the new muscle cars, Every 21 year old kid has to have a diesel truck nowadays, and most kids can't afford a nice one so they all go out and buy some worn out work/farm truck and start dumping stupid money into them. My B-model with a straight pipe make less noise than the a Dodge with a Cummins and all the 6 leaker liter Fords sound like they're gonna explode when guys stomp on em. Anybody know why Dodges are "Ram Tough"? Because they're tough to look at and tough to explain to your neighbors why you bought one.
  19. Was way up in Rockton the other day and spotted this Superliner six-wheeler there.
  20. Landfills suck. I had a log get stuck between my duals as I was backing up and come up and crunch my full fender. Happened about 12 years ago, still pisses me off.
  21. Was at the Rochelle landfill the other day dumping some spoils, not my favorite place to go but I got out unharmed. While I was there I saw a couple LRS trucks, one the guy had cleaned up nice, and an MR getting cleaned out.
  22. Today another friend of mine also spotted a couple Mack's, one of which was driven by Mr. Tommy B in his RD waving out the window, and the other was the Drake Superliner.
  23. I know I posted this B on another thread way back some where, but here it is again. It was at the 2011 ATHS show in South Bend IN. I think the truck was out of KY.
  24. A friend passed these pictures along to me of Plote's new Granite and their CAT trucks all lettered up and ready to roll.
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