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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by PeterMack

  1. I was on a job with Mike Meyers the other day. Watched him get buried in front of me while trying to turn around. He ended up getting out while dumping, wasn't his fault. The ground on the job is pure garbage. I told the guy from the paving company to just pave over the ruts. I give it two years before the parking lot gets torn out and re-done. Saw a Granite from IN with a skid steer on Fri, and this morning I saw some new Granite's stacked up ducking the portables that were set up on Lake-Cook Rd. He went south on 53 back to 12 and then up. Was headed north on 12, up towards Grayslake Mack maybe?
  2. Truck looks good Mackey. Nice work. If you paint that thing black it would look just like an old Nagel truck.
  3. Today I actually had to go to Roscoe Ready Mix to pick up a couple loads of "special" golf course sand, and it is confirmed. Ozinga did buy Roscoe. They have a help wanted sign out and Ozinga stickers on all the "usable" mixers. I think they have at least one old mixer from every company in northern IL. They even had an old Material service GMC General converted into a six wheeler. They had a heck of a boneyard. Also saw the Slaughbaugh services RD today and as I worked my way back east I saw a square headlight Value Liner that looks like the one that was for sale on 12 in Wauconda awhile back. Looks like Ozinga is taking over. If I see candy cane stripes on the orange & white trucks from Marengo they'll have everybody edit: Before I forget, Ozinga only bought the mixers from Roscoe, not the pits or dump trucks, Those are still Roscoe.
  4. Like riding a bike, it'll come back to you. You'll be an expert by Friday and then forget it all by Monday
  5. At least your smart enough to watch your gauges and have a little know how on how a truck works. Plenty of drivers out there would have shrugged their shoulders, drove on and broke down 20 min down the road. Although it probably wasn't a fun day, its still better to be broke down at the dealer than on the side of the road, plus it didn't have to come in on the hook. Saves you time and the company money.
  6. Yesterday I saw the Tameling's Mack and today I was all over the place. Pretty sure I saw SAS454 on the Elgin-Ohare pulling a walking floor and then I saw Green Dash who was a long ways from home in a day cab. I had to get a couple loads of RR4 from Barlett, one of which went out south west of Hinkley. To get out there I went to Stearns, out to Randall and then Fabyan and worked my way southwest. While I was headed down Randall I got just south of Keslinger and saw a red & black B-model Fire truck parked at the 7-11. Never seen that truck before. Looked nice from a quick drive by. Didn't get a picture though.
  7. A friend passed these pictures to me of a couple of Eno trucks. They have always had some odd color schemes. I remember seeing these trucks up and down 294 when they were new. They were shiny. I like all the lights on the front of the Mac bulkers they have. They look cool at night. These trucks don't look quite as nice anymore. These pictures were from a year ago.
  8. Ranchhopper, that Jim was my Grandpa that you worked with at Riemer's. He was a character. He was already mayor in the late eighties. I think he started that in either 86 or 88, I can't remember. He had a year or two to go in office yet when he passed away. He was going to be fully retired from everything but didn't quite make it. He was in the 150 for 50 years. After Jeff folded up and moved to Florida for awhile GF Structures bought Grandpas truck from Riemer and he went there for a year or two till he retired. As far my uncle Jim goes, I don't think the Greers were ever actually leased to him but they did work for him occasionally. Even after Tiny died we used the Greer trucks. I think they all went to auction if I remember correctly. Their one driver/mechanic was decent over there, I forgot his name, but all the rest were just hammer heads.
  9. This poor Superliner. I guess he piled into the back of a stopped truck. That had to hurt. Nice even spread job on the gravel though, but I think I could find a better way.
  10. With Fairdale being in the news for most unfortunate reasons this week it reminded me that I had a picture of an R-model six wheeler that I took that used to be parked in Fairdale. The truck has been missing now for a few months but had been sitting there for a couple years. I guess it was spared the fate of getting swept away. As it looks from the coverage on the news everything that was around this truck is gone. There is a gravel pit just on the back side of town that I occasionally pull some loads from and I guess the scale house is gone and they just pulled all the conveyors out of the hole and set them up top so the trucks no longer had to drive in the hole. On Friday morning they finished all the electric to the conveyors and from what I heard they all were toppled over. I came across a picture of Grubbsteakers out at 64 & 251 that was also leveled. Myself, Al, and a few other guys would meet there for breakfast on our way out to Mt. Morris before our ATHS meeting. My sister sent me a picture of the Tornado passing to the northwest of her place. About as close as I need to be to one.
  11. The Eagle Express R-model is up for sale on Ebay. Damn nice truck. Was at the South Bend ATHS show a couple years ago. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1988-Mack-R688ST-R-Model-w-Econodyne-350-hp-and-a-Mack-9-speed-Unit-100-IL-/231525424986?forcerrptr=true&hash=item35e7fd9f5a&item=231525424986
  12. Saw this Prairie Land RD with a rear packer headed down 31 the other day.
  13. I'll pass with that price. He's reaching for the stars there. One of the guys in Welch's office has one on his desk but the last time I was in there it looked like somebody dropped it and the ladder was busted. I went into Vulcan Bartlett (crap hole) the other day and the gal in the office had about 10 different trucks at her desk. One was the Palumbo 4 axle Granite w/Talbert lowboy which I have but she had a couple I didn't have like the Plote Granite mixer, the Vulcan Granite six wheeler and the Walsh Granite mixer. Those three are pretty elusive, and expensive!
  14. I have that one. BigRigTees also has the Rubber Duck truck, the Moving on KW, BJ & The bear KW, the Smokey & the Bandit truck and a few others. They had a booth at Louisville this year and in years past.
  15. That cabover Pete was in this months LargeCarMag at the Antrium Dyno days. I lent the magazine out for the moment but I think the truck was from PA and was putting down 750hp out of a Mechanical CAT. Will have to look again when I get it back.
  16. 18,000 to 20,000 K! He's gonna do a top to bottom resto before you take delivery right?
  17. I took all these last year around the Rockford area. A SS CH with a 39ft dump, Packard Exc CL700, an RD with a hydro seeder and a R model six-wheeler.
  18. Saw a couple super stuck R-models while cruising the internet. Not sure where the tanker was at but the black R with the bunk got caught on the melting ice roads. Looks like a whole lot of pressure washing when it gets home.
  19. OK. Knew it was one of them roads down there. Been by it a few times but didn't feel like stopping for a picture, and it looks like I didn't have to. Thanks.
  20. That Superliner looks just like one that is sitting at a farm south of I-80 here in IL. I think its on 117 just west of 39. Not the same truck is it?
  21. Didn't have to go too far for these pictures. I guess my township got a new Mack this year and they even brought it out to clear my street a few times. Good thing I paid my taxes, or he might have skipped my place.
  22. The trailer that Lmackattack is pulling has lower sides than the newer trailers but is probably 22 or 24 foot long which is the standard around here. The nice thing about the low sides is that you can load it with a skid steer or small machine, the bad part is every Barney Fife local numb nut cop wants to pull you over and claim you are heavy because he can see the load. Back in 82 when that trailer was made they didn't have the big skid steers like they have today to reach over the sides. With the newer trailers you can hardly see the loads in them anymore. As far as the length goes I'm not sure how or why its the standard here. WIS runs quad axle straight trucks that can haul what what we can here with a semi, but legally they can't haul the same weight here and we can't there. All to do with the bridge laws. Not sure why its the standard or how it got started, guess its just the way it is.
  23. Damn it, that was funny.
  24. Saw a tough looking R model this morning and an interesting Vision. Not sure where the Vision was out of, didn't catch the name.
  25. Mackdaddy, I thought you might like this picture of Rossi's water truck. Tommy B was down there harassing talking to them the other day and took this picture. Looks like its had a recent paint job.
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