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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by PeterMack

  1. I think we need a picture of it here.
  2. A friend of mine worked at a company that had these, and the company encouraged drivers to tattle on the other drivers who did not have them deployed going down the road. The only problem was that guys were forgetting they were out and would back into a spot at the truck stop, back to back with another truck for example and crush them on the other truck. My friend figured if they were saving anything on fuel with these things they lost it all in repairs replacing them constantly.
  3. Here are a couple Mack's I saw out and about last week.
  4. I have a 673T with a straight pipe. In my opinion the truck is just noisy in general and a muffler wouldn't do much for it. I like the way it sounds though. Ordered my pipe through Mutual Wheel and had the bracket custom made. I think the pipe was only like $150 or something like that. Was a few years ago when I put it on.
  5. Common sense should have told this guy something was wrong, but I guess if the GPS (getting people stranded) tells you to jump off a cliff then..................oh nevermind! http://abc7chicago.com/news/man-drives-semi-over-2-pedestrian-bridges-gets-stuck-blames-gps/395218/
  6. You can try Macholl metals in Garden Prairie. Cross over the tracks on Garden Prairie RD and he is on the left. Can make half or full fenders with brackets. He has smooth or diamond plate. I have a set of smooth ones for my Pete, they are easier to polish. Harmony metal in Gilberts might still make them and I think Nagel in Batavia might also, not %100 on that though. RG Smith used to make them but they are out of business now. I think Heil on 47th st in McCook might still make them also.
  7. Like Brad said Maywood. Here, you can watch one run.
  8. Oh yeah, they're done. Found a picture of one of the Granites at Ritche Bros.
  9. Got a couple pictures of the S&K trucks last year. Saw the RD in Yorkville and the Granite at County Line & 64. Took a picture of their monster truck a few years ago in Seneca.
  10. Haven't seen me? Oh man. I've seen you a few times. Must be cuz I'm in a Peterbilt I got snubbed. I'm not down by Boughton's to much. Usually all over the place. I've seen you at ECS in Kaneville though.
  11. I agree with much of this article, but I will say that most of this driver shortage problem is brought on by the industry itself. Who wants to live like a nomad for little pay when, like the article says you can sit on your ass at home for just a little less. Life on the road is expensive and driver pay does not reflect in my opinion. Seems like the industry solution has been to hire foreigners and any dummy that they can run through a three week training course and hold a steering wheel. There is nothing special about trucking anymore. The kids nowadays have no idea about trucks or manual labor for that matter. I'm 35 and been driving for 15 years now and been around it all my life and for the past 15 years I've been the youngest guy wherever I've worked. Kinda sad, hardly anybody is coming up behind me, but on the other hand why would they. I love trucks, but trucking sucks! I came across a great article about why the younger generation is not getting into trucking in Overdrive. Here is the link. I think the guy is spot on. http://www.overdriveonline.com/trucking-or-not-with-the-twenty-somethings/?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=02-17-2015&utm_campaign=OVD&ust_id=c225c79954
  12. Yep, I think he was in Lisle today and tomorrow. We usually have five or six trucks with Hager full time. I'll be with them tomorrow but at another location.
  13. Found this cool old picture of a Marina Cartage R model. The picture was from the guy who pin striped the truck. Said it was from 81. https://myspace.com/ppoc/mixes/classic-my-pinstriping-work-395796
  14. Been running with BJ all week. Hauling dirt with him and a few others tomorrow. Thanks on the trailer, took about 45 hours to get that done. Went way better than expected, but now I'm pulling the steel dump so the aluminum is just sitting there looking pretty at the moment. That red R at Rockford Mack used to belong to Herron topsoil. We used to haul pulverized dirt for them before they closed up. If you know or see Jimmy Burke that works with us he has Herron's old Pete.
  15. Took some RR5 to the Mchenry lock and dam today. Saw an RD conveyor truck with a Super Mix Granite dumping into it. Got a blurry shot of Mchenry Excavating's R model. I think that's their name, truck sits along 31. Took a shot of the crane unloading a flatbed. I actually had to dump where the crane was sitting and the Deere with the swampstick was placing the rock in the river. They just had me dump off to the side for a round while they were unloading.
  16. Went out to Sublette today for the toy, truck, tractor show. There was one new Mack in the truck show that was brought by a dealer and a couple nice brand X'ers. Saw a neat re-powered Deere with a Detroit in it. Ended up buying the Kamp 1/64th First Gear R-model, and what looks to be a promotional candy dish? From the Charles Lenz & Company Excavating and Scavenger service. Had an AC Mack on it. Said they were on 55th street in Cicero. I think they are long gone now. Anybody remember them?
  17. Looks good to me, nothing wrong with some modern technology. Autometer's are made about 10 min from my house. I even have one in the B-model.
  18. Found these two pictures on the web of a couple Roy Strom MR's (or whatever they're called now) rear packers. Looks like one was at a waste expo. I always thought Strom's trucks had an "east coast" look to them with the gold leaf lettering and pinstripes.
  19. I have never seen anything like that. I looked around on the interweb machine and found one poster of Jim McMahon that said Mad Mac on it. If you look to his right and straight back it appears to be an R-model but I can't tell for sure. The story might check out though. I'm thinking they were going for a play on the "Mad Max, Road Warrior" theme and that would make sense as to why they wanted the Mack to be pulling a tanker so it mimicked the movie. Maybe this is how the poster turned out after it was all said and done. I'm sure its all photo shopped anyway, I doubt there was a small bear walking by McMahon's feet. It's probably 10 pictures smashed into one poster. Maybe I'm wrong and there is another one out there. I bet the actual pictures are out there in the world somewhere.
  20. I've heard it was built on a Superliner chassis with an E9 and a Mack 12 speed with 2.36 rears. ............Nah, I made all that shit up.
  21. Saw a bunch of Mack's today. Republic Services RD Hoving Granite Earth Inc R-model with a really goofy spot mirror setup on the hood. Landview Exc. RD Acme RD with a custom hood. Not a Mack, Bluff City's 850 Deere A Waste Management R with their old school paint scheme Osco fuel Granite *BMT decided to arrange the photos a little different than I uploaded them
  22. Was in Elk Grove Village today and saw and older Groot RB and a snow covered Wiener-mobile. I don't really care much for snow on my Wiener........mobile.
  23. He had the Superliners at the ATHS show in South Bend a couple years ago. I took pictures of them. Beautiful trucks.
  24. Yes. 47 & 52
  25. Speaking of Mallard Lake, my Dad took this picture of his Plote truck there about 35 years ago. He said at the time they were just re-filling the pit in with dirt and not taking trash yet.
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