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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by PeterMack

  1. I found these pictures online of this former O'hare plow truck. It was for sale at auction and they had a little info on it. It sold in July 2012, was a 1980 with 11,300 miles, vin-RM6114X1039 and went for $6,875.
  2. Saw these all lined up at an excavators yard just outside of Madison WI. Looks like they're parked for the season.
  3. Here are two Builders Granites.
  4. The guy from KRG told me they had one starting in Missouri. They must be keeping busy digging big holes in the ground.
  5. Cool, looks like an old school Material Service loader behind the truck.
  6. I had the same thing happen to me. I also had a 06 W900 and about 5 o'clock one morning I was driving along and all the lights went out, headlights, running lights, and the dash. Luckily I was coming up on a gas station and swung in there to check it out. I checked all my battery cable connections and everything seemed fine, so I started it up and everything came back on. I don't know if that actually fixed it or if it was just a fluke. It did it one more time after that momentarily but never again. All I can say is check batteries, connections and fuses. Electrical is always a pain, usually something simple that causes major problems.
  7. A Christensen RD with a flatbed.
  8. With the color scheme on that truck I'm thinking that would fit in the StorkMack fleet pretty easily.
  9. I still have my Super-Liner ​​​II brochure (still thinking about ordering one, hope its not to late) and there is picture in it of a scantily clad gal that parked at the Flying J for the night after a 700 mile day and slipped into something more comfortable and headed up to the second story to strech out.
  10. I came across a picture taken by Bill Bedell of a gold/tan Wise Cartage Value liner.I thought it was a pretty nice looking truck. I think he said he took it around 82. I was showing the picture to a friend of mine and he said he had a picture of two Valueliners that were very similar that he took in the very early eighties at the Milwaukee fairgrounds. He dug the pictures out and the two my friend got pictures were also Wise Cartage trucks. It looks like they had a whole fleet of these trucks. My friend also had a picture of an unrelated Superliner that was also at the show. There is also a twin stack Superliner behind the Valueliners. Some cool trucks, wonder where they're at now?
  11. A friend passed this picture along to me of this supertrucker award winner. I guess this guy fell asleep? and ran off I-39 just south of Rockford IL and hit the sign for the next exit and had it knifed into the trailer. Very custom!
  12. I took these a couple months ago at the new cell of the WM landfill. Had a few Christensen trucks and others there that day. Damn big hole in the ground. There was 40,000 tons of chips ordered to cover the tarp. KRG left all their machines there because the bid is up for the next cell to start and I guess they have a bid in for it. It might start in the spring. Was a steep hill getting down to the bottom, put it in 2nd and idle down.
  13. Yes. They got a Granite. The DM was in the corner under a pile of snow. The DM also needed help, Tina said it wouldn't shift into the high side any more, and had a few other issues. Also if you head in there in the spring there are some new changes. They put in a new scale, scale house, and wheel wash. The haul road will head due west from the entrance. The barns and house will be demolished for the new road. I've heard they might go to a badge system like McCook and Bartlett, but none of it is up and running just yet, might be a month or two yet. Good news is the wheel wash is supposed to be like Lisbon's and Boughton's where it just gets the tires and not all over the truck. Should be interesting.
  14. Neat truck. Kinda looks like an IH bumper up front. Wonder if its on an old U-haul chassis or something similar.
  15. I scoured the internet and found the solution. You'll feel better after the fix.
  16. Sorry to hear about that. Sad news for sure. My condolences.
  17. Here is a Martam RB six-wheeler and RB semi I saw over the summer. Damn it looks nice and warm out in these pictures.
  18. It dropped the driveshaft in the yard. I guess it came from another pit in TN and it sounds like they beat the sh-t out of it and sent it north, so now the truck is in the shop getting patched back together.
  19. That must have been the first time they refurbished that truck. I have a picture of it from Walcott, late 90's early 2000's. In my picture it has alum budds on the rear and a 48" Pete bunk instead of a 36". I think I like it with the 36" a little more, seems to fit the look of the truck a little better in my opinion. Was a sharp looking truck though.
  20. Was in the pit the other day and it looks like they got a new-ish Granite water truck to replace their DM. Already broke though, has the do not use sticker on the door and sitting next to the shop. Good timing, to cold to use it anyway.
  21. I found another picture of a different B-model from Louisville that I have never seen again, or the truck next to it for that matter. I should have written down the names and places where these trucks were from, ahh who has the time.
  22. Family Guy had their own version of that a couple years ago.
  23. Hope the feds don't see this story. They'll claim its an epidemic and ban refrigerators, scratch that, double all tolls and taxes for trucks that are equipped with beds and refrigerators due to their dangerous cargo. It's for the children!
  24. I like the new thread idea. All makes and model included. There are several trucks from my area that just disappeared. Got to wonder if they get wrecked, redone, or just parked in a garage never to see the light of day again. I have seen a couple show trucks get totaled in bad wrecks in the past couple years. There was a cool W900 A model by me that disappeared a couple years ago and I ran across some pictures of it in Canada pulling a 3 axle Landoll type trailer for a land clearing service. The guy had it all shined up. At least some go on to a new life. I know my Dads first three Macks all got destroyed after they were sold, and I would need a whole new thread to tell the rough life his first Pete had after he sold it.
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