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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by PeterMack

  1. Here is Kamp's 4 axle Granite hauling a 450 Deere.
  2. The name on the truck says it all.
  3. I borrowed these pictures from a friend of Kamp's Elite CH.
  4. I ran across this the other day by chance. It was for sale in Colorado back in 2012. The ad said it was a 66 and the guy wanted $7500 for it. Armslist seems like an odd place to sell a truck.
  5. My uncle caught one of Prairie's pink mixers in Bloomington on a job site he was on. I saw the pink mixer that is based out of Bridgeview a couple years ago at 65th and Harlem. I also have the First Gear pink Prairie mixer.
  6. Says Swift has award winning drivers on the trailer. Gotta wonder what award the driver got for this.
  7. This is from one of my old Mack calenders. It hangs in my garage now.
  8. Looking good. I bet it sounds good with the new straight pipes. I better see it out at Maggio's in May at our ATHS meeting/show.
  9. I saw this day cab GMC Astro out working the other day. Don't see to many of these around anymore.
  10. A couple Lake County Grading Trucks from this past summer.
  11. About a month ago I took this picture of this R-model that a farmer near me owns. He was picking up some ag-lime.
  12. Saw a couple Macks today. A tough looking R-model pulling a Brady trailer, a Del Toro RD and an RD conveyor that I was delivering CA-7 to that blocked the whole street for me so I had to back out and then back in from the other side. I hate housing projects.
  13. Where's the front discharge hiding at?
  14. Good for you for pursuing this a little further. You probably won't see any money back but at least you can put the word out about this guy. Try leaving a Yelp or Google review. When somebody does a Google search for a company those always pop up. You don't even have to be snotty or slander in the review. Just the facts, $1800 for 10 miles, most people can do math and will figure that doesn't add up. We have a towing company by me that dinged a guy $17,000 for a tow. A car blew a stop sign and drove under his dump trailer. The driver stopped as did another person to help the guy out of the car. After they got him out the car burst into flames and burned away from the truck. The guy in the car eventually died from the injuries but the family thanked the truck driver for pulling the man out so he didn't burn. Long story longer the truck/trailer were towable (and still on the road today) but the towing company impounded it till they were paid the $17,000. We will not use them at all and advise other people in our area to stay away from them. Best of luck with with your pursuit.
  15. I borrowed this picture from Bill Bedell of this awesome Press Express Superliner. It was from Chicago Heights. On Bills Flickr account it said he took this in Milwaukee back in 88. Cool truck, wonder where it went? https://www.flickr.com/photos/bigrigbill/6443856401/
  16. I had an old ad from Northern IL Mack back from 89 and they had a couple of those trucks for sale in it. I cropped the ad. It's not the best old picture but it will work. My Dad used to be leased to DFC back in the day. They were based out of Huntley IL. He used to run over to IN, OH, and Mich quite a bit.
  17. Here is a former Chicagoland F model. This truck was owned by John Fisher who brought it out to many ATHS shows. He has since sold it and the truck now resides in Ind. Had a Cummins in it if I remember right.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_Nr5ZJC6R4 Doesn't get much more tore up than this.
  19. Vision 386 posted a picture of that truck awhile back that I borrowed here. Looks like that truck is way too nice to part out. I'm sure he can get more money that way, still a shame.
  20. I had my Pete there this year. I had my B-model and the Pete there a couple years ago but the B-model was in pieces this year. That's a cool train. Not a big train nut but that is one of my favorites. I saw it on the U.P track in Marengo a couple years ago. Neat to see it out running around.
  21. Thats awesome. Great find. Reminds me of my dads 87 Value Liner, 350, 13 speed with a Double Eagle bunk.
  22. After I was leaving a show at the railway museum over the summer I took this picture of Bakley's R-model in the machinery lineup out in the field. Looked like they were about to start a project there.
  23. We all had a chat about that truck a couple months ago. The fate of that truck didn't end well. Here's the link. Read pages 83,84. http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?/topic/28785-chicago-r-models/page-83
  24. A couple weeks ago I was out south of the Rockford airport and saw a Sjostrom & Sons R model bobtailing. A little later I saw a sick dog with the hood up, and then a little later I was hauling some ag lime and saw the Kyler Exc Value Liner in a field where they had two IH Payscrapers working on a ditch between two fields. They don't seem to be afraid to run the antiques over there.
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