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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by PeterMack

  1. Looks like we can't even lift the mother in law off the couch with a crane.
  2. That's a shame. Seems like a waste of a nice new truck.
  3. The other day I was at Meyer Marengo and I noticed a picture on the wall in the booth where you get your ticket stamped. The guy in the booth said Randy Griebel dropped it off so they could have it on the wall. It is just a photo copied picture but it turned out nice. I took a picture of it with my phone. That pit originally belonged to Randy's grandfather who I believe is in the photo. The second picture is a pic that I have of one of Griebels blue/white B-models that a friend of mine drove when he was a young man. He said he would haul 25 loads a day into town to the redi-mix plant in that truck. He also explained to me that the lake at the pit was named Griebel lake and was open to the public to swim at until about the late 70's. I think they had to shut it down due to insurance purposes. My friend said it was known as the Marengo babysitter. Many parents would drop their kids off there for the day. The last b-model is Randy's truck that he has and will have it out for a few shows during the year.
  4. Saw this Oshkosh six wheeler today. This is one of the ugliest trucks out there. I think I would wear a paper bag over my head if I had to drive this truck. I like the old long hoods though. Those are cool.
  5. Saw these two CL's this week. The green one belongs to Smith Transport from Dekalb and the blue CL belongs to Northern IL Service out of Rockford. These were formerly Helfrich trucks from Rochelle. I think there was four of these at one point. Not sure what exactly happened to Helfrich but they sold the trucks. I think they were all V8 powered.
  6. Umm....little help?
  7. Since Navistar HQ is not to far from me I see a lot of IH and CAT trucks running around for their test fleet. Saw this one today. Not sure if its gonna be a CAT or an IH. I'm gonna call it a Caternational.
  8. Saw a few Mack's on the job I was on today. The Berger RD water truck, a white RD O/O that two weeks ago I saw getting pulled out by three tow trucks on a job because he got to close to the edge and about flipped over, driver side trailer wheels were off the ground, a Prairie mixer and an R model that I don't know who it belongs to.
  9. Oh yeah, the dustiest! I attribute it all to trucking.
  10. Very clean. Looks great.
  11. A friend of mine took this pic of this R-model sitting in Wisconsin.
  12. I think they still have that truck. I have another picture of it posted that Tommy B took on the Chicago R models thread. Was back a ways. You will have to search a few pages back for it.
  13. I saw one of the Stark trucks delivering some block to the Huntley high school the other day for their new field house. Damn kids have got everything at that school now. Huge track, tennis courts, nice ball fields and bleachers and now a field house. When I went there I didn't have any of that crap. They were still called the Redskins and nobody was offended, Dean Foods would donate all their old pallets for a huge bonfire at homecoming, and the 4H kids would drive the tractors to school. I remember jogging in gym class to Bon Jovi on a 45 record. All this was not that long ago. Plus I walked uphill both ways to school with a hot potato to keep my hands warm and I had to eat it for lunch, and dammit that's the way we liked it!
  14. I saw that truck also yesterday. They were coming from Fox River Stone out to Dekalb. Lafarge must have been giving Curran a good price or Vulcan pissed them off. One of the two. Vulcan's saleman for Sycamore, Dekalb, Lisbon, just quit the other day so maybe that had something to do with it. Nah, was not me. I've been hooked to the dump trailer all summer. In a month I will probably have the Landoll on moving some stuff but until then it will be the dump wagon. If it is the guy I'm thinking of that Storkmack mentioned its a 80's 359 all red with a silver frame that is kept immaculate. Very sharp old truck.
  15. Went to the Dekalb County landfill today. They are adding a new cell and I brought in some gravel to the new part. Luckily enough I did not have to drive over any trash. While I was there I saw a WM RD, a few MBI trucks lined up for the tipper, the Bob Kyler Value Liner hauling in some wrecking and then about an hour later he was next to me at the pit picking up some gravel. Also saw the Kyler R model at the pit.
  16. This must have been taken around northern IL somewhere. Would be a typical pothole for around these parts.
  17. Tommy B sent me this pic of Mcgill's V8 powered Superdog the other day. Taken from his phone.
  18. Well there ya go, not random anymore.
  19. Saw a few "D" Const trucks today. They still have an R or two left and a couple RD's but I have not got a picture of them yet. I see a couple say TKT trucking on the door but still have D trailers.
  20. It might be, but the picture with the lowboy it has a painted grill and a different bumper and I see the visor has been painted from the web site pic to the one I took the other day. Maybe very similar trucks?
  21. Saw this 992C hard at work in a Vulcan pit today.
  22. Saw that belly dump down by Lisbon. They have been running them a bunch down that way.
  23. Thanks for the info. I knew he was down that way somewhere. I think your right on the Canadian KW. I've never seen one in person and it was tough to find any pictures of them on the net. Must be somewhat rare. I was able to find a small picture of a very similar KW.
  24. That truck is parked at the Petro in Rochelle Il. Has been there for at least 10 years now. I have a picture of it posted on the Chicago R models thread.
  25. On today's adventure I saw Christensen's twin stack RD that was a former Bastone truck. Would look nice cleaned up but I won't hold my breath for that. Saw a D construction Granite pulling a belly dump, and I got a blurry shot of a cool needle nose butterfly hood KW. I've seen this guy 20 times before but always going the other way. He is pulling some sort of blower trailer for mulch. I think he out out of Homer Glen or some place down that way. I heard the truck has an N-14 in it. Cool truck that I need a better picture of.
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