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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by PeterMack

  1. This shop has a pretty sweet lift. Takes the car up and tilts it forward for easy access.
  2. I've often thought the same thing, instead of "to Protect and Serve" should be to "Hassle and collect".
  3. Thanks Mike, that's what I thought but I'm still not sure why it had B-61 badges on the hood. Maybe the old ones fell off and they just threw some B-61's on it.
  4. Back in May we had our NW IL ATHS meeting out in Rockford and this nice little B-61 tow truck showed up. Was the first time I've ever seen it. Sounded good with the straight pipe. It had a B-61 badge on the hood but it had the concave cab. I thought that was only a B-67 thing. I did not get a chance to talk to the driver so I was wondering if this truck was re-badged, re-cabbed or if this was an actual B-61.
  5. Over the weekend I was at the RT66 race track in Joliet to watch the NHRA and while I was there I saw a Feece Oil Mack. They are another all Mack fleet. Also spotted a few trailers full of racing fuel barrels. Some expensive loads I bet. A guy from Odessa TX had a pretty cool truck for pulling his car to the start line. Thought it might have been a B-model with a custom hood at first, but I think it was a GMC/Chevy cab. Never saw it up close, just on the track.
  6. Here is the link to Hager's website. They have a few pictures of their trucks, equipment and jobsites. http://chagerexcavating.com/Projects
  7. Spotted a few Macks the other day. Hager Excavating bought a new six wheeler. Was talking to them for a bit, they said the truck is two weeks old. They are still an all Mack fleet and have been pretty loyal to Mack. I like their color scheme. They look nice cleaned up. Saw the Ernies CH wrecker towing a bus, and the Rapid Conveyor RB Mack getting a delivery from some soon to be Ozinga mixers.
  8. This is pretty amazing. I love the two trucks hauling hay, first guy hits the bridge and the second follows him after seeing what happened.
  9. "Thought I recognized the truck. I was behind you for a bit on 41. Is this your Pete?" Yep. You got me. Must have been in your personal vehicle. I would have noticed the Superliner stalking me.
  10. I thought this streched Chevy was kinda cool. Looks like a few trucks were donated for this project.
  11. The big rumor or truth from what I've heard is that Meyer Material sold all the mixers to Ozinga. Should be pretty easy to throw a candy cane paint job on the Meyer drums and slap a new name on the door.
  12. Yes I was. For one load anyway. Was up there with Dad and our friend Larry. Had pulled a couple loads out of Meyer Algonquin up to Vernon Hills and then ran up to Lake Bluff for one.
  13. By the looks of the rescue vehicles I'm gonna say this was in Europe, and by the looks of the stunt I'm gonna say this was Euro Dukes of Hazzard. Them Duke boys got them selves in a heap of trouble!
  14. Took these pictures just a few short months ago. I'm so glad winter is over.
  15. I think that K&B hires only complete dopes. They run a bunch of trucks out of Sara Lee just south west of me and I swear each driver is dumber than the next. One of the guys was parking in my town for awhile. Left the truck running up town for three days straight in 40 degree weather. I don't think he was even in the truck the whole time.
  16. Was all over the place yesterday. I was in Dekalb in the morning and spotted this RD from Loves Park on a job. Later in the afternoon I had to deliver to a landscaper in Woodstock that is very well hidden in the woods. When I made it back to the clearing there was his R-model sitting there. Had a DM with a hydro-seeder on it also, but there was too much stuff in the way for a decent pic of that.
  17. "Whoops, wrong button. Should probably get that over to the car wash before it sets up"
  18. The other morning I pulled in the pit and saw an R-model that I have not seen before. Not sure where it is from. Took a couple other pics while I was in there of my Dad getting loaded and the big WA900 Komatsu used for loading the haul trucks.
  19. They might have one around as a yard dog somewhere but I don't think any see the street anymore.
  20. Had to get this pic on a drive by of this Hendrickson. Has been sitting here for at least two months now. Don't know who it belongs to. Seems to be in decent shape.
  21. "Hello, Triple A, send a tow truck immediately. Some jokers put up a road closed sign and then took a section of the road out. Please hurry, I'm very important"
  22. They would look pretty cool if you could restore them all to their original colors. Not sure that the Palumbo B's are for sale. I would guess not. About 11 years ago I came across a B model in Council Bluffs IA that looked a lot like a Palumbo truck. I was in one of the U.P.'s big yards out there hauling out old railroad ties and across almost 20 sets of tracks I could see a big building that was fenced in and full of old Macks. I had a little time to kill so I crossed all the tracks and went up to the fence and saw this orange and black B. Said Anderson Exc from Omaha NE on the door. There was also a D,F, MH a couple R's and other Macks behind the fence. Maybe I was at the Harbison west storage lot and I didn't know it
  23. Those pictures are from a few months ago. They were taken at their main office/yard.
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