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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by PeterMack

  1. It all fits in the truck, don't see why I can't take it all in one trip!
  2. I already took care of that a while back, but luckily enough I have plenty more Mack pictures like this Builders Asphalt/Orange Crush/Palumbo and any other name I can't think of right now, RD Mack.
  3. Maybe there is such a thing as a bad day fishing.
  4. That is the first time I've ever seen a D-model at a show. They seem to be ultra rare.
  5. There is a guy in the Wis ATHS chapter that has a pretty cool Construktor. He brought it down to IL for a couple shows.
  6. That is a beautiful truck. Congratulations.
  7. Here is a Palumbo R Model from the internet. I believe John Almond took this photo but I'm not 100% on that. I'm gonna say this was taken in the 80's or possibly early 90's.
  8. Here is a super Firefighter. Not sure how this happened. I'm open for guesses.
  9. Looks good all cleaned up. Needs one of those square old school Pete emblems up front now. Although if its for sale super glue the old one back on and send it down the road.
  10. A Palumbo (orange crush) B-model parked in their yard.
  11. That truck was on display this year at the Etnrye booth at Con Expo. Good looking old truck. Etnyre's are made about 35min west of my house out in Oregon IL.
  12. Here is an article about Palumbo from a 1999 Toy Trucker Magazine I had. Had a nice picture of their old R-models lined up.
  13. Good thing you don't work at Vulcan. You would have had to put wheel chocks under it since you were parked
  14. Elmhurst Chicago Stone's 988F.
  15. Just got around to reading this. Very cool story. Thanks for sharing Al. Here is a picture of the unrestored AB that was driven to the IL railway museum show last August.
  16. During today's adventures I saw Al (57 BCR) at his day job running a 6x6. Although when I went by at 10:15 it looked like the trucks were in a holding pattern or it was nap time. Trucks were parked and the drivers feet were up on the dash. After I saw Al it downpoured so I had to divert from the pulverized dirt I was hauling and head west to pick up a load at a pit and while I was there I spotted this Sjostrom & Sons R model. They are located in Rockford.
  17. Thanks Al. Glad your memory is a little less fuzzy than Tommy's
  18. Thanks for sharing the pictures Mike. Wish I could have gone but it just wasn't happening this year.
  19. Here is another picture from the Tom Bronge collection. Looks like this was at Grayslake Mack. He thought this truck belonged to somebody that lived in Johnsburg but his memory was a little fuzzy on this one. Good looking old truck though.
  20. Saw this Hendrickson six wheeler the other day getting a load of asphalt. I have seen it around for years but this is the first pic I got of it. Truck looks to be in decent shape.
  21. Mr. Hancock you are half right. The pumpkin heads I was referring to usually are wearing flip flops, Adidas track pants, can't speak English and are in a big damn hurry. Visit any truckstop and look for the biggest P.O.S Volvo with mailbox lettering on the door from Ace Hardware and there is a pretty good chance it is from Shitcago or one of the suburbs.
  22. This is Vulcan's 990 CAT. Got the wheel chocks under it too just in case it walks away. Safety first at Vulcan
  23. Here are a couple R-models that I've seen this week and one cool little S-series International that a guy turned into a pickup. This is about the fifth time I've seen it running around the Woodstock area so I'm assuming he lives around there. Got straight pipes on it. Sounded good when he went by. He had a little trailer on today with what looked to be a freshly painted 3406 on the back.
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