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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by PeterMack

  1. They are keeping us safe. LOL!! Don't you always feel safe when you see the red and blue lights flashing in your mirror?
  2. Cook County Waste RB rolloff.
  3. Been seeing this CH for at least 10 plus years now. Always clean, nice shape, and always with a Hinckley & Schmidt water trailer on. Finally got a picture of it.
  4. Saw a couple Macks today and RW Dunteman's Allis Chalmers.
  5. Just saw it last week again. They must be tired of it. Good catch.
  6. Occasionally I like to showcase some of the junk that is running around our area. These trucks caught my eye in the last couple months. I'm sure the drivers on this forum will spot the issues these guys were having. Can't believe these guys don't get stopped.
  7. Rossi R model with a step deck trying to get out of General Crap Hole Iron.
  8. You got it. I'll take you to the classiest McDonald's I can find, my treat.
  9. Saw these two R-models the other day in Joliet. New Lenox Paving.
  10. Unfortunately I have had very little spare time here lately but I have got a few things done. Between Superdog and My Dad I got my missing emblems. I had to use an easy out and a tap & die to take out a busted stud for the dog/base. Now all the emblems are back on and it does't look naked. I also got the pressure washer out and gave it a good cleaning. Waiting on a few parts before I get it started. Slowly but surely it is coming along, mostly slowly.
  11. Saw this long R model sitting in Crystal Lake. I'm thinking yank the flatbed off and put a fifth wheel on it and have an extra long WB R-model.....just saying, might be cool.
  12. I say buy another R model so you can have one with budds and one with daytons. Maybe get two B models as well so you cover all your bases.
  13. Saw this R-model about a month ago at 47th st and Central ave in Forest View/Chicago. Old school. Could have taken that picture 30 years ago and it probably would have looked about the same.
  14. A friend passed these along to me the other day. He saw them all lined up at Ritche bros. in Morris. If I had to guess they are all going for a boat ride. Not sure where the big blue six wheeler is headed.
  15. I can't remember if I posted this or not. B-model fire truck that belongs to an insurance agent in Batavia. The truck is sitting out front along Randall road just south of Keslinger.
  16. That is awesome and much appreciated Mike. Thank you. I did find a set of dogs for the hood already. Of all places my Dad had a set that he's had for close to 40 years. He doesn't remember where he got them but I'm glad he saved them.
  17. No. I would love to but I don't have the time for that. Hopefully in the future I can trailer both of them out there.
  18. And yes this was the twin to Tommy's truck. His was waaay nicer though. Wish he wouldn't have sold his.
  19. About a month ago I got word from a friend that Boughton's B model was up for sale. The truck has been parked for 16 years. They bought it from Greco some 30+ years ago to move crushers around the pit. As soon as I heard the news I jumped on the phone and inquired about it. We hammered out a deal and I got it home this weekend. The hard part was keeping it quiet for a month, not on my end so much, but as soon as it got pulled out of the barn last week everybody knew about it. I was getting pictures and texts about it from all over the place and it was out that I bought it. Got it home this weekend with a little help from my friends at Catom and got it in the driveway. The truck is very solid but does definitely need a little TLC. Did a ton of cleaning today. My friend Scott stopped by with his MB yesterday and we lined em up for a little Mack show in my driveway. Plans for right now are to get the mechanical issues worked out and then tackle the exterior. Hopefully I can get it out to drive it before the snow flies. Oh, and it does have a V8 with a Quad box, it's a tank!
  20. Well, not to worry. It went to a good home. Mine!! Now to get after it will all my spare time and money. LOL!! I'm going to start another thread with the full story and more pictures.
  21. Saw this R-model the other day. Bill's backhoe & tree service.
  22. I wonder if it even runs or is just a lawn ornament?
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