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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by PeterMack

  1. Not sure about the Superliner but they did have a KW. Wonder if they're trying something new or if Mack ticked them off.
  2. This FWD pickup was one of my favorites at the show. Had a custom bed with a wood floor in it. Made a ton of noise with the straight pipes. Would love to take that to a cruise night and park it on top of a car. Looks like a Mack fuel tank on it too.
  3. No, sorry it was parked between the other cabovers all weekend and I couldn't get a clean shot of it. They were all parked pretty tight. Looked cool in the row cabovers though.
  4. Here are the Macks that were represented at Waupun this year. I especially liked the green and white R-model. Sharp looking truck. Was a good show all around.
  5. As luck would have it I also took a picture of the one at Gerharts last year. Looks like it has a different grill than the truck from OH posted above.
  6. I knew I had a picture of one of these trucks. It was from the 2011 ATHS convention in South Bend In. I had to go back and look through my show time book and it said this was a 1951 LMSWL out of Alexandria OH. Looks like it has a Cummins in it. Nice looking restoration job.
  7. This is a tree stumper we had at the land clearing company I used to work for. I think the machine was a Kobelco but I can't remember for sure.The stumper was run off its own motor in the box on the front. Neat little machine.
  8. Looks like fun. I have run my Pete in a couple truck pulls. Can see how it can be addictive. Can't get to carried away when you gotta make sure it gets to work the next morning.
  9. This is from a 1990 issue of Overdrive Magazine. Comes with a nice story also. Gotta wonder what has happened to this truck in the last 23 years?
  10. I had to get a picture of it also. If the grass were lower you could see the rest of it better. It has a bunch of stickers all over that talk about Polish history, although they are quite sun faded. That's why I wondered if this was some elaborate parade float at one time. I just wanna know how fast it will go before all the crap starts blowing off of it.
  11. I've known where this truck has been sitting for a couple years, finally had some time to swing in and get a picture of it today. Not sure why somebody did this to this poor truck. It is pulling a container chassis with a small house on it and then it looks like they decided to put an addition on the truck. I'm gonna guess it was used in a parade and then forgotten about. I'm open to other guess's though.
  12. That's an Illinois MB now. My friend bought it and it is sitting about a mile from my house. Hasn't even got to bring it to a show yet this year. Got half way to one show and had mechanical issues, and he has been too busy at work to get to the others. Still looks about the same for now, although he did get rid of the no fear sticker that was down by the step and got the lights back working again as they were disconnected. Got a picture of it in my driveway when it arrived back in early spring.
  13. Here's a good wrecked one I know you guys will enjoy. No operator error here though. This was a trucker fail. Guy had this loaded to high on his trailer and slammed into a bridge with it. I'm assuming he had it on a flatbed as this is a small machine and the bridge he hit is about 14ft high, but I didn't get to see it at the scene, just the aftermath. Bent the boom, knocked it off the trailer and into the median, knocked the track off. Was a new machine, whoops!
  14. Saw this Link Belt on Friday. Somebody smashed the side access panel real good.
  15. Love the rant, your not alone in your feelings, thats for certain. I've been at it for 13 years now, did the o/o thing, did ok but at the end of the day it was just a paycheck for a ton of work and headaches. Was not expecting to get rich but making a living would be nice. If you become a company driver you can trade the Vision in on a B or R model and go cruising. I have more fun doing that kind of trucking. Best of luck.
  16. Saw this one at the national ATHS show in South Bend In a couple years ago. Nice wheelbase on it.
  17. Here is a service truck from a local construction company that looks like it was involved in an accident.
  18. That was a great looking truck. I also remember seeing around Chicagoland a few times. I know somebody has a nice picture of it up on Hanks, but I can't remember who has it. Shame it burned.
  19. This is out of a 1990 issue of Overdrive Magazine. Beautiful truck, wonder if it's still working.
  20. This narrow nose Pete was at the ATHS national convention in South Bend IN a couple years ago. This guy has quite a few trucks he brought out of California. I suppose it would be pretty handy to have a service truck follow your antique truck convoy around.
  21. Here is a 335 Pete at Louisville from a couple years back.
  22. I love the honesty. Funny.
  23. We had our local ATHS meeting yesterday. Had some great weather and a good turnout with a nice mix of trucks. Followed a couple Macks out there, would drive mine but its in pieces on the garage floor, so I took the Pete.
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