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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by PeterMack

  1. Saw this on Facebook the other day. I guess this is sitting in Hazel Crest out in front of Mi-Jack's place. I think it can be seen from 80 but I guess I've never been in front of the building to see this truck. Pretty cool display. Gotta be tough on it sitting out in the weather. Anybody else ever seen this truck?
  2. Was by BL Duke the other day, kinda by 55 & Harlem, and see they have a Superliner. Looks like the hood makes a bit of a right turn while its up.
  3. Agreed! This has to be the worst state in the Union, or top three at least. Don't think I'll be able to retire here, just hope my house is worth something when I leave.
  4. Saw this Superliner the other day. Looks like it has an R-model fuel tank. Kinda rough.
  5. Myself, 57BCR, and Macknutt are behind Staxx. Didn't get to meet everyone, but I did get to chat with Staxx about the race truck. Was interesting, I learned a few things. What a great show.
  6. Saw this A Lamp RD the other day. Also saw they got themselves in a bit of trouble. I'll attach the link. http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2016/05/19/schaumburg-contractor-charged-with-underpaying-union-workers/
  7. Was in an old pit, but new to me yesterday and found an R-model in the weeds, and a dragline. I remember the R running around just a couple years ago. Needs to be saved.
  8. Groot RB at Countryside Landfill.
  9. Maybe this truck? Macknutt (Mike) took this picture and posted it on this thread a couple months ago.
  10. My uncle has the red/silver truck. A guy named Jim drives it now. Jim used to have a silver 359 and hauled for Meyers for many years with it. I'll be in the red/black one full time now. My buddy that used to drive it decided he wanted a career change, so he became a Lake County Sheriff. I'm also friends with the owner, so I went over there just to help out in the winter and it just kinda became permanent. So odds are if you see it rolling around its me 99% of the time, or the owner. Still have my blue Pete and B model though.
  11. Saw SAS454 on Friday, didn't even get a wave.
  12. Was running around Lake County and saw this Superdog the other day. I think it said Clearview tree service on the door? I had never seen it before. Looks like it has mileage plates, so it must not get out much.
  13. I remember those RS's for sale a couple years back. They looked to be in decent shape from what I remember. They're doing hard time somewhere warm now, I can bet.
  14. One of Greco's "newer" R models.
  15. I think he's had it for a couple years. Looks like they finally got it finished. I think they were working on it in house.
  16. That Hendrickson belongs to Scott Moore. He lives just over the line in Indiana and brought it out. He's also a Mack nut. His next project is an old Sargento Cheese R model with a 36 inch bunk. Gonna be cool when done.
  17. I made it to Maggio's. Had some great weather this weekend and a great turnout for the show. I think there was at least 60 or 70 trucks that showed up. Jake, it was good to see you and catch up, hopefully I'll make it up to Kasson again this year and run into you there. Plenty of Mack's at the show this year and some nice brand X'rs. Here are a few photo's that I took. Enjoy.
  18. Just a reminder to the local guys, or anybody really, Maggio's truck show is this Saturday. Baxter Rd & I-39 Rockford. 9am to 3pm. Bring a truck, old, new it doesn't matter, its just for fun. Looks like the weather will be good. If you can't bring a truck, just bring yourself.
  19. Saw one of the StorkMack mixers out cruising today.
  20. Flood Brothers RD rear packer I saw in Bellwood the other day.
  21. Just a few trucks that I saw this week. No show dogs, just some work trucks.
  22. I somehow snapped a decent pic of this Superliner the other day. This is the one that sits on the right hand side of 294 northbound just before the 95th street cash box. Might be considered Bridgeview where its at. That truck has been sitting there as long as I can remember. Pretty darn sure that's a Hendrickson sitting to the right of it. I cropped and zoomed in on it. Turned out pretty good, got it just in time between the sign and the fence.
  23. I had to go to Sterling Lumber on 151st in Harvey the other day, which is the old Allis Chalmers plant. When I pulled in the Sid Kamp Specialized CL700 was sitting there waiting to get some swamp mats. I got a picture of it and the old water tower that still has the AC logo on it.
  24. The kid took it over from the Dad, then changed the name to PURE metals. Sounds like he got a little over extended from the story I heard and lost the place. He is back in business in a small yard off of 35th and Racine. Right next to Pershing rd where you go up over the bridge by the Vulcan recycle yard and Columbia Pipe and Supply. It's a small place called Bridgeport Metals.
  25. Saw the Berger Titan out working the other day. Shot turned out pretty good as I was headed the other direction.
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