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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by PeterMack

  1. Couldn't agree more. I would't be a very good recruiter for a big company because I wouldn't give these lard butt, foul mouth, smelly turds the time of day let alone stick them in a $200,000 truck/trailer and send them out to talk to my customers. The big fleets are their own worst enemy!
  2. Plote had a nice 1/50 scale truck made last year and Catom had one made a couple years ago. I bought a few of the Catom trucks but they don't have any left. Keep an eye on Ebay, they can pop up but not too often, but there are definitely other options if you can't find a local company truck.
  3. Got my 1/64th Sid Kamp Granite and lowboy yesterday. I put the R-model on the back. Will save a little shelf space that way.
  4. Saw this RD yesterday. Had "Rat Cartage" lettering on the door. Seems appropriate from the looks of the truck. Even came with a custom sideways dog on the hood.
  5. Have you been parked for the winter?
  6. Thanks Al. That DM was definitely a Hribar truck. I figured someone would have a picture of that B outside. Must just be a garage ornament now.
  7. Saw this truck working out on 90 today.
  8. I've been running to Milwaukee for the last month and I spotted a B-model in a garage off 94 and a cool DM with some extra axles in Racine the other day. Looks like the B belongs to Floyd's Towing. I had had to use them a few years back. They did a good job and charged a fair price. Not sure what the story is with the little garage and truck but it caught my eye. There was a 10 foot drop off from where I took that picture, thats why there weren't any close ups.
  9. I'm right there with you. I have a ways to go yet and it feels like this country has been on a down hill slide for the past 20 years. I'm sure it feels like longer for others, but the steady decline has been in fast forward since the early 90's and doesn't seem to be slowing. Not sure what the answer is. I'd like to keep a positive outlook on the future, but I'll probably be working till I'm 115............just to keep insurance and have some groceries.
  10. I went to Peoria last weekend for the truck show. While I was there I went over to the CAT visitors center since it is about a block away. Got a few pictures of the Mack's that were at the show, and a couple from CAT.
  11. I haven't been by there in awhile but I did post a bunch of the B-model pictures a ways back. They still have some cool stuff hidden away.
  12. A couple of Palumbo trucks ready for winter with the salt spreaders on.
  13. A friend took this last year. Looks like this Marina truck was having a little bit of an issue.
  14. Yep. Looks like we have some more time in there yet. I think there is at least one more building to knock down.
  15. Cardinal Health on Waukegan rd.
  16. I borrowed this pic from a friend who drove this R model for Nissen back in the day. They had just got the trailer new when he took this picture. From about 10 years ago. My friend doesn't work there anymore and that truck/trailer doesn't look as good anymore either.
  17. Yep, been up there all month on a job in Waukegan. Just not in my red/silver truck. I'm hiding in a black/red Pete with a bigger dump trailer.
  18. Saw a Lima RD six-wheeler the other day on 41 and I saw an RB going over the scales on 41. I think the RB might be from Wis but I'm thinking former Lodesky truck?
  19. S&H lowboy I saw over the summer picking up leftovers from a Prairie plant that is no longer in use.
  20. Got a wave from Jimmy V in the Curran lowboy last summer.
  21. Would like to find my Dads old Value Liner someday. Or remake the R-model from the Road Warrior that pulled the tanker. I figured somebody would have done that already. If either of those don't pan out a nice E9 powered Superliner will do the trick.
  22. I took this back over the summer when the plants were still green. Went by this farm between Dekalb and Waterman a few times and saw this Value Liner with a decent wheelbase on it. I think its just a yard dog for hauling pig slop. I would get a closer pic but it was probably a 1/4 mile off the road and I was moving. Turned out ok.
  23. This one was working at a local threshing bee this summer.
  24. I took these pictures about two years ago of the Remmer/Shultz R-model. Was at the ethanol plant. Forgot I took these.
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