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  1. i have a 52 f600 the whole trk in new hampton ny
  2. as long as its trq72 it will bolt right up i had a cat against a trt720 and hauled bannas from del to buffalo with a b75 the only diff youll find is the crank hub sticks out towards the radiator about an ainch farther in the b61 iran the 673 hub but you can machine the 300 hub shorter or set the motor back in the chassis buy the way you cant use the 67 or smaller series trans
  3. i wish someone could tell me how to down load a digital pic from my camera to this forum i have many old macks to show i like the big v-8 i put a 3406btac in mine 280 in wheelbase kenworth60in aerodyne bunk driveit every day i move produce in the northeast
  4. I've got a n rw713 one of the last to come down the line its a 92 got a 425 air to air cat with a 10 over 417 rears on neway kenworth aerodyne 60 inch bunk 282 inch wheel base i run it everyday i should have the hot rod orange color on it by the time the macungie show comes around mabybe my kids can show me how to run this camera for pictures
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