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Everything posted by r686st

  1. Are you coming through Louisiana and if so what route are you taking?
  2. Got the new drums, shoes, bearing, races, seal, slack adjusters, s-cams, spring kit and bushing kit will put them on in the morning. I topped of the rear end fluid, changed a slack adjuster and removed all the front axle parts today. Should have the motor put back together by the first of next week.
  3. I have a Valley Chrome NSI Bumper 16" STD Mack 2 Tow for sale. It's part number is GA020102. I'm asking $500.00 in cash or certified funds. If your interested message me I'm located in Clinton, LA. BTW: I took 3 different pictures to show all the bumpers details. It has two bolt holes per side for mounting.
  4. I'm interested in getting some info on the truck if your really going to sell. Send me a pm with the stats and some pics.
  5. The big leg gal has a cup in her cupholder with my schools logo on it. It's the logo for Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, LA(Bulldogs). I'm sure she's a student/alumni no doubt. It's neat to see you guys coming closer my way and I like many of you look forward to this weekly post.
  6. Pictures from the show! Not many Macks as you might have guessed. LOL
  7. So I took a few more pics for yall today. 1: our 15 black angus bulls, 2: My dad's boxer Maybelle Rose, 3:Our 2nd horse Abistada, 4: dad's rescue dog Gabby, 5: Our colt Dee Dee's delight
  8. As you can see we have a few animals not all posted thought. This is our thouroughbreed "Sea raider" and new baby goats. In total we have 4 dogs, 10 donkeys(one mini), 3 horses, 25 goats and 200 beef cattle.
  9. I'm heading out in the morning about 7:30. I'd like to know who's actually going so maybe we can schedule a meet and greet. If you are message me and I can send you my number.
  10. It doesn't look like it hauled rip rap or concrete by looking at the floor. In my opinion the cross members don't look bad either. They are going to show there age but no major problems. As you can see the side sheet metal and vertical reinforcements all look really good for such an old trailer.
  11. The floor is in good shape it isn't rusted through if that's what your wondering. It looks like it got thin so the liner was placed in before there was an issue. BTW: No, the R model isn't in the deal. LOL!
  12. I tried to update the old post but the website wouldn't let me so here I am with a new post. I have a 1972 Palmer dump trailer for sale. It's steel, quarter/frameless and 22 feet in length. It has an air gate that works as well as the lift cylinder and lights. I have a clear title and am now asking $3,500.00 but I'm flexible on that. I'd like payment in the form of cash or certified funds. BTW: I'm located in Clinton, Louisiana.
  13. I just bought a '91 and mine is cut as well. Mine is going what looks like the driverside of the transmission up to the speedo.
  14. Special flour sounds yummy! Are you going to The Great American Trucking show in Dallas?
  15. So we're in agreement that that you start in the center and work outward alternating bolts?
  16. I don't know about the Yankees on here but this ole boy enjoys that kind of food. Only thing better is some fried food or fresh seafood.
  17. Forgot to add that I changed one u joint on the shaft going into the front diff and one on the short shaft between the two rear ends.
  18. Looks like two new front drums, s-cams, slack adjusters, 4 shoes, bearings and seals are in order for the front axle. I found out I'll need kingpins and bushings as well as spring hangers on the rear side of the front axle.
  19. Thanks. If anyone comes up with an exact number please let me know.
  20. Hatcity what should be the final?
  21. I have a '91 RD690S as some of you may know and I'm putting new heads on it. I couldn't find out from Mack but I thought yall might know the sequence in which you torque the heads on the motor. It has a newer '96 EM7-300.
  22. Hey I'm Kyle and welcome to BMT. Thanks for adding as a friend btw. Do you just mechanic on trucks or do you drive too?
  23. The brakes, tires, rearend, motor and rear suspension needed immediate attention so I decided to do everything while it was down. I thought that would be better than trying to get it on and off the road to fix a little at a time.
  24. It had round fender mirrors at one time but someone took them off. I haven't made up my mind whether I want to put them back or not. I would like bumper guides and the chrome grill guard when I get the funds.
  25. Nocluejoe66 I have the nut cover and hub caps on the truck I just don't have a picture yet. Thanks for the reminder, LOL.
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