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Everything posted by r686st

  1. I love how almost every post ,since I joined BigMackTrucks,that Teamstergrrrl comments on always has the opposite opinion of most on here. I think he/she does it mostly to stir things up on here. I feel as though the SGA and associated groups argument has no weight in this discussion. The food chain has all the right to be there if it is legally permitted and allowed on campus by the school's administration. I think trying to stop them is their right I just think the free market will handle the fate of this restaurant. That is the true "American Way"!
  2. What kind of fuel mileage are you getting? What rear end gears?
  3. What size tires are you running on each axle?
  4. thanks for the information. i was nervous.
  5. Dam! I see it plugs into the pigtail off of the pump?! If that's the case someone cut mine out and tied the wires together so I guess it won't do me any good. Any recommendations for someone in my position?
  6. What is the empty weight and what kind of fuel mileage are you getting?
  7. The truck doesn't smoke to amount to anything just a light haze of smoke when accelerating from a stop. The egts were extremely high(1200 degrees if you were to keep your foot in it) for the first few months I ran it until the water pump went out. I changed the water pump and thermostat and they stay in a safe range of no more than 900 on the hardest pull. What does a pump and thermostat have to do with egts???? I know the gauge tells the story though.
  8. I spoke with Mander's diesel and no help on the mechanical parts. The parts guy said I could add "stage 2" injectors and that should help. I think I am going to have the overhead run and timing checked. After that I am hoping ya'll can give any suggestions on what to do?
  9. At my local mack dealer( Capitol Mack in Baton Rouge) you are lucky to see an RD!!!
  10. I think I remember jc whitney advertising a direct replacement if Mack doesn't offer it anymore.
  11. Pictures?
  12. I will sell it but you won't like the price:) LOL
  13. It seems the truck is a slug in the low gears but the last two gears it pulls well. The truck has a 9 speed eatonFuller transmission, 4.17 gears and a new air-to-air under the hood. Where should I unplug the speed sensor? How do you recommend checking the manifold pressure?(boost gauge is a good indication???)
  14. My Mack dealer does not do any work on pre-2000 year model Macks. So that is out of the question... I have been told that this sure does liven the truck up. My other local mechanics don't want to have anything to do with it either. I have been told that it could be out of time so that may have something to do with it. However, no one has the literature needed to brush up on the vmac system.
  15. Hi Everyone it's Kyle again and I haven't posted much in awhile.... I have a 1992 Mack Superliner (RW613) with a E7-350. It has the vmac computer/speed sensor and I want to convert it to mechanical. Can anyone tell me the parts needed and the part numbers? I know I will need a pedal, linkage and probably a new injection pump. Will the manual pedal out of an R model work? The more info and sooner you can tell me something the better because my driver is pulling his hair out because the truck is so slow.
  16. Could you give part numbers, dimensions and information on the exhaust you used?
  17. I would prefer no logs but, maybe I'm the exception. Nothing to cheat if it doesn't exist.... Drive until you are tired. It would reward those that will work hard yet let everyone go at their own pace.
  18. Is it still for sale and where are you located?
  19. Can anyone tell me what the rail pressure should be on this unit? I took off today and it blew smoke the first few shifts and ran clean and did not have as much power. This is significant because I have never seen it blow black smoke like a mechanical Mack! What would cause the sudden smoke?
  20. Where is the torque limit switch?
  21. Logtruckman... Did you get the file from Mack? Were the injectors aftermarket or from Mack?
  22. That isn't what I wanted to hear! Dang... What would be affected if I removed the rear of the pump where the governor is located and place a mechanical pedal, linkage and governor mechanism onto my existing pump? Which gauges/sensors/functions would be affected? Wouldn't this allow the truck to pickup better and blow some smoke?
  23. No, fault lights are on and as far as I know there are no codes. I don't have a way to check for codes though. The engine is building the 25-30 pounds of boost. The truck has 4.17 rears and a 9 speed Eaton Fuller transmission. Once you "pop the button" it seems to get up better on the high side than what it pulls on the low side.
  24. I have a 1992 Mack RW613 with an electronic E7-350. It has had power trouble since I bought it used 2 years ago. On the low end it just doesn't have the grunt like my old mechanical 300 and am hoping to help it out by turning the fuel to it or adjusting it so that the rack will open up more in the pump. Can anyone post a diagram of the injection pump with parts breakdown and labels/numbers? I would also like a list of fuel pressures that this setup is suppose to have from the factor so I have a baseline to measure. I purchased the Blixxton box only to find out that someone had somehow cut the wiring harness and spliced it together with out a deutche plug to install the Blixxton:( I contacted Bosch and they said they didn't have any information on this style pump and gave me the number to a local shop who I called and the person on the phone said, that place had been out of business for 3 years!!!! Please help because I'm at the end of my rope with this truck.
  25. Grayhair... The $440.00 your referencing is a monthly premium and not yearly from what I have been told in my area which has been affected by this flood. There is structural flood insurance and then you have to pay additionally for contents is also what I have been told. I can promise this flood affected rich, poor and all types of persons in between. My 4th generation family land backs up to the Amite River which is one that caused a lot of this flooding in the Greater Baton Rouge area. We had property damage, loss of two donkeys and some of our mining operation was affected but we were very luck. Yes, a lot of the areas affected are low but we do live in South Louisiana so that is no surprise. However, many areas that did take on water have never been seen in atleast 3 generations. I would also like to remind everyone that atleast a 100 mile radius was affected, which includes: Baton Rouge, La area, Lafayette, LA area, Hammond, LA area(aka The Northshore), and even the little talked about South Mississippi area(Amite, Pike and Wilkinson Counties). I have an aunt, cousins, school friends, customers, business associates and etc. all lost homes, cars, clothes, animals and/or many other items. I am going to guess that atleast 200k homes have been destroyed in all of this flooding. The sides of the roads in many areas are lined with debris from all the homes on those streets. I want to point out that I've been quite upset with the national news and it's lack of coverage of the flooding until Trump came down. At first it was mentioned then nothing but California wildfires for a week and only after he came down and donated cash and supplies was it "really" an issue. I have pictures of some of the flooding to share that I will post.
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