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Everything posted by r686st

  1. Got tires and wheels mounted yesterday.(Pics included) Also got two oil bathed hubcaps for the steer axle, axle gaskets and wheel seals.
  2. It is not legal to straight pipe the newer trucks. All of them until the ones that use SCR can be straight piped as far as I know.
  3. My dad is looking to buy a Pete. Spec's wanted: Daycab dual stacks and breathers air ride suspension Caterpillar C15 10 or 13 speed transmission tandem drive axles wet kit 210-230 wheelbase 700,000 miles or less, might consider more if records are available If you have any questions feel free to ask. I'd prefer it to be close to us if possible , but will travel if needed.
  4. Ordered a dump valve for the suspension, 3 airbags, 6 wheel seals as well as a pogo stick with bracket to get started with the repairs. Can anyone give me an idea on what to expect when pricing paint/bodywork??? I've been getting quotes ,but they seem kind of high.
  5. Thanks for all the help I'm going with 24.5's.
  6. The brackets are different Superdog ,but they are the same height and the support rod is the same length. I think the driver side one probably came off of a CH Mack.
  7. I'm planning on repainting it all burgundy or burgundy with black fenders and visor. BTW: I ordered my new rims today.
  8. Found out today that my Superliner was evidently owned by a Illinois Bulk Carriers, Inc. I knew this because I found an inspection label that had my truck's info. I called them today and the name has changed and they had no records of the truck. It was built for Manship, Manfred, or Mansfield "Cartage" according to the glove box cover. Can anyone give me any info on these companies? It's funny how far this truck has traveled in it's life from Chicago, IL to Clinton, LA:) I cleaned the truck and removed the floor mat today. I included pics of the truck hooked to the dump trailer and of the second exhaust bracket.
  9. Got my RD repaired and got the Superliner in the shop today. It's on blocks with all the old tires and wheels off so hopefully I will finally get started on it. I'll take some pictures tomorrow.
  10. What kind of rear suspension is on the truck?
  11. Do you think the 24.5's will be too hard on the clutch/transmission when starting off at a red light or from the pit loaded?
  12. I have a '92 RW613 and am curious how you think it will do with 11-24.5's. It currently has 4.17's with 11-22.5's and a Mack 350, Eaton Fuller 9. What are the overdrive and crawl ratio's with these two setups as well as the top speeds in both cases?
  13. The trailer is done, but the front rear axle in my RD went out. I'm having it rebuilt and the ratios changed then will begin repairing the Superliner. I have however installed the cab valve/linkage and suspension linkage as well as the mudflaps.
  14. Thanks for all the help and I will be going with the 4.64's. It should cost about 3k to rebuild the front rear end and regear both axles.
  15. My truck has a 300 Mack with the fuel slightly turned up at the pump. Do you think the 4.17 will be a bit too high for pulling in the dirt or getting started?
  16. I have a Mack t2090 with tall 11- 24.5 rubber.
  17. I currently have a 1991 RD690S with single frame and 38 rears camelback. I have 5.73 and would like to go to 4.17 but my gear specialists is recommending 4.64 for price and simplicity. Does anyone have a recommendation for a ratio? I pull dump trailers on the highway most of the time with some time spent pulling a lowboy with a dozer or excavator on it. The combo is no more than 88,000 pounds.
  18. All ten new tires came in today. Almost done with the trailer should be by Friday. Starting on the truck full blast on Monday.
  19. That's an awesome video! Did anyone get a second date? LOL!
  20. Installed the driver side exhaust bracket and support rod. Welded aluminum stepbox as well as welded some on my dump trailer. Got the bolt that holds the bumper to the frame out since it had broken off. Hopefully will get the two torque rods installed as well as cab and suspension linkage installed this week.
  21. Bought an exhaust upright, bushings, support rod and hood vent today. I ordered a new front bumper and it should be here in two weeks. Installed the engine oil dipstick, axle shocks and stainless mud flap brackets today.
  22. No, but it is going on a 1992 Superliner if that helps.
  23. I'm looking for a bracket as well so if you have an extra one message me. Thanks
  24. I think he told me that Mack doesn't offer the right one anymore either. Any suggestions? I am thinking about trying to make one.
  25. The other parts came in today and my parts guy has the quote on the other items I wanted. I am told however that Mack no longer makes the driver side exhaust upright. Does anyone have one they would want to sell? I'm going tomorrow to see if I can order a new front bumper.
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