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Everything posted by r686st

  1. I don't know about the snow, but I will say that they do run cool to the touch.
  2. Shocks made it in today and the other parts hopefully will be in Friday. I ordered all my tires today and will have them within the next two weeks. I'm still waiting on the quote for the rest. I'm just making money right now so I can afford to do what I want to it:)
  3. Have ordered new shocks for all the axles and cab. Also ordered suspension leveling linkage, cab leveling valve and linkage, new stainless mud flap brackets, two new torsional torque rods and engine oil dipstick. Trying to get quotes on many other parts so I'll let you know when I order some more parts.
  4. Thanks for all the kind words and interest. I've been washing and cleaning the truck. I've removed the mud flaps/brackets, deck plating and front bumper. I am making a parts list and just trying to finish the repairs on my dump trailer before I start working on it. I want to change the rims and tires to 24.5 from 22.5 so I can recap them and run them again on my trailer.
  5. As most of you know I've been on the hunt for an air ride RW. JakeBrake86 told me about the guy he bought his western R from and that he had an RW for sale so I called. I made a deal with him, but had to wait for the title before I could pick it up. The title came in last week so I went Friday with a wrecker to pick it up. It's a '92 with a 350, Eaton Fuller 9, Mack air ride/axles and supposedly 4.17's. I'm super excited and can't wait to fix it up. Plans include: tires, rims, dual exhaust, shocks, wheel seals, trim pieces, bumper, paint and body work , all fresh fluid and filters throughout, as well as a lot of TLC.
  6. Title came in and purchased the truck. I'd like to thank JakeBrake86 because I couldn't have found it without his help. Stay tuned to the "Antique" section for upcoming teardown, reassembly and paint.
  7. I sure will and if you can I may get you to order two additional for my dad's R model. If you wouldn't mind of course.
  8. I can find out the part number since I don't have it on hand. I paid $220.00 a piece but you can probably get them cheaper since my parts guy is a little high. I know it's high ,but my halogen were dim/broken and since I drive mine every day I thought it was worth the piece of mind. As you can tell it was the whole assembly not just the bulb which makes it a "plug and play" setup.
  9. The 7" round LED headlights are available from Peterson and I've purchased two:) I can't say enough good things about them. They shine atleast a quarter of a mile ahead of you while driving as well as have an extremely wide beam(can see from road ditch to road ditch). The top half of the low beam and the whole assembly lights up when on high. I will say they are quite expensive still and for some reason changing between hi/low sometimes has a half second delay. If you drive your truck every day for living I can't recommend them enough it'll be money well spent. The 3rd picture is of a traditional incandescent halogen sealed beam while the other pics are of the LED. FYI: I put them into my 1991 RD690S tractor.
  10. That's way over priced to have it done! I'd say 8 hrs @ $100/hr at most.
  11. No news yet still waiting on the title:(
  12. Sounds like at least a $2,xxx something job to me, just for the rods/mains, that's just my experience with repairs. Your probably going to be between $8-10K by the time your done. I'm assuming it will be less is your not marking up parts prices.
  13. I'm curious about this as well. What kind of equipment are you running?
  14. I'd like to see the first and last together! It'd be fun to look at the technological advances that were made over 40 years:)
  15. She could give me a "PULL"! LOL
  16. $10,300 seems what we've agreed upon. I'll believe it when the title is in my name because it's been like pulling teeth to come to an agreement and get a price.
  17. This one has cab rot the size of a softball by the exhaust upright, a little surface rust throughout various spots, a piece broken off the fender(passenger side), starburst on the driver side where it hit something. No frame spread however it needs two steer tires and has aluminum everything. I was thinking due to these situations it would be between 8 and 10 does that sound right?
  18. Specs: E7-350, EF 9 speed, Mack air ride, daycab, bud wheels. What is it worth? (looking for a price range)
  19. Found out today that she is kin to me and that she will be buried less than an 1/8 of a mile from my house.
  20. Now I know where Jake was!
  21. Ms. Douglas went to school and knew my grandparents. She is born/raised down the road from me in Pride, Louisiana. Sad day indeed.
  22. So just one Torque rod from the front carrier? I didn't see any way to attach it to the frame. The one pictured would be in the way wouldn't it?
  23. Jeep the original "Light vehicle"
  24. Superdog, Is there suppose to be a Torque rod or two between the two carriers in this picture? It does have the Traverse torque rods that go from each carrier to the frame. FYI: It's a RW with "Mack" air ride.
  25. Have come upon a '92 RW that I looked at today. The title has to come from the DMV and we have to agree on a price, but this is about as close as I'm going to come to my specs. I does have a rotten spot by the exhaust as well as some damage to the hood and the beginning of some pretty good rust around the windshield. I do think it isn't junk just yet! I'll keep you posted:)
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