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  1. Our beloved 67' has a no start issue. New rebuilt starter, part number is Delco 1113700 Brand new parallel switch part number is 240-12000 We took it off carefully, keeping track where everything went wire wise. I've been at this for a few days now trying to get her to fire. The motor spins, the batteries were load tested and good, replaced a few cruddy looking wires. I'm lost... Just called P&M, he said we're going to test to make sure the switch works.
  2. Looks like it ended up being the radiator. Now we're on the hunt for a new one. Thanks for the info so far.
  3. No sir we changed the gasket with the radiator still in the truck. That was the only thing wet and place that coolant was coming from. So the more I'm thinking here the worst is it possibly a headgastet? Did the system over pressurize and push the gasket out? The radiator cap looks factory but if it did over pressurize why wouldn't it of pushed out the cap? Sorry for rambling but just trying to think of a few possibilities. We are 100% volunteer, 100% self funded, with quite a few mechanically inclined people within our department. So we'd love to fix this in house before sending it the a shop.
  4. Question, has anyone ever changed the lower radiator gasket on a MR before? We changed our 1995 due to it leaking. Changed it with a new cork gasket from Mack, everything was good and it lasted a few days and it just started leaking from the sides again.
  5. It's starts up good, runs like I would hope it should but the exhaust is a constant thing from start up till you turn it off.
  6. Figure I'd drop in and post some pics...
  7. It's far from sweet that's for sure, as far as running its smooth. Hell last I looked we've only got about 35,000 miles on it. But I'm sure time has taken toll on this beast, but I'm just trying also to save time and money in repairs that can be done in house so to speak. Any additives or such that could help?
  8. Just wondering if it can be fixed or at least made to be not as bad.. Our 67' Open Cab R model just pukes whitish gray exhaust, the smell is bad and will damn near burn your eyes out... I pulled it on to our apron at our fire hall just to run it for a bit while I swept up a bit and the exhaust starts off gray then after awhile white. It's just constant never stops bellowing out... Any help, advice, and knowledge would be appreciated!
  9. Well thank everyone, look us up on Facebook Vigilant Hose Company #1 of Port Vue; Station 237. I was looking to get help and wondering why are open cab just puffs so much damn exhaust, I grip the on firetrucks that the turbo is probably maxed out but the exhaust is just a killer especially during parades. Pics are soon to follow, gonna upload em to photobucket then post em! Thanks in advanced!!
  10. Hello all! My name is Eric, and I'm actually hoping to gain some knowledge about my fire departments 1967 R-600 open cab Mack. I actually grew up around R models, my father owed about 10 coal buckets until he took ill and had to sell out the business. But once again I'm hoping to gain knowledge and hope I am welcomed.
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