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Everything posted by TozziWelding

  1. CMS has a sweet GMC General all wheel drive water wagon, if I see it out in public again I will get a pic of it.
  2. You can see his B model next to it, I am going to have to stop in to CMS this week and make my rounds.
  3. That IH was my favorite truck at Hudson last year. My grandfather had one like that that burned. My favorite part of that truck was the "Diesel stupid" on the fuel tank.
  4. He was CMS in Marlboro, I see there trucks around all the time. Even the everyday working trucks are show pieces.
  5. That is how my great great grandfather started his excavation business, digging telephone pole holes by hand. We still have some 15 foot long shovels in the family archives.
  6. What did you guys set the poles with, tractor or a boom truck?
  7. Yeah, I am a Masshole that didn't make it. Phone rang and I went to work instead.
  8. Post em up. Here is mine 98' Jimmy HD with a crane and all of my tools and welding gear, soon to be Cummins powered. It is a work in progress, but it makes money and everything is paid for.
  9. I will keep an eye out for you, I will be ez to spot, just look for a crazy 4 year old running a mile ahead of me.
  10. I am heading down with the wife and kids.
  11. Got this one today up in Peabody
  12. I caught this nice RD at the sawmill in Hopkinton dumping a load of stumps.
  13. Those old monsters are cool, I know of a few of them up here in MA still working.
  14. This old MR runs 7 days a week, most days over weight and never misses a beat.
  15. I caught this one out on 128 the other day, looked like it was well cared for.
  16. First excavator I ever sat in was my Great Uncles old 690, I think my Cousins are still running it.
  17. For what one of those stupid little pumps costs, you can put a universal electric one on there that is better for alot less money, just make sure to wire it in to the ignition switch.http://www.ebay.com/itm/BRAND-NEW-HERKO-FUEL-PUMP-E8016S-UNIVERSAL-ELECTRIC-FUEL-PUMP-/171051799547?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item27d37b53fb&vxp=mtr. I graduated 14 years ago last week.....
  18. Here is one for short money http://nh.craigslist.org/cto/3801501929.html
  19. As long as they don't copy Landers Volvo fleet....LOL
  20. Is that a Cape truck, or did you get it off the Island? Nevermind, I just saw the post.....
  21. Sanitary piping is not shit pipe, it is polished stainless used in dairys, biopharm plants and food production among other things. If you can fit and weld sanitary and med gas you can write your own ticket and pay check. I will get some pix up of some of the stuff I have done.
  22. Give these guys a call, I can get just about any oddball thing my customers need from them. http://www.springrebuilders.com/ They are in Worcester MA.
  23. Good for him, tell him to learn pipe, and take the sanitary course they offer. Sanitary piping is nice work, clean and inside, learn to fit as well. That big green tractor will keep him busy for a few months.
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