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Everything posted by TozziWelding

  1. Did that happen at the old Poloroid off 128?
  2. Nice, I saw your Kenworth and lobed in Marlboro this morning.
  3. I am from Plymouth, but live in Marlborough now.
  4. I drive that stretch of road almost everyday.
  5. I run a 1976 Gravely, all cast iron gear drive and USA made. This thing is a tank and already outlasted anything new.
  6. I know I drive an 88' in the winter doing snow, it will out pull the E7-427 in the CH any day.
  7. That is a heavy looking Cargo
  8. Last time I checked all Q shoes were the same
  9. I would have replaced with new and good pull cable, then never have to worry about it again.
  10. Looks like a typical New England Dump or Mixer, nice old rig .
  11. I would run the Superliner, the MS is a good scrap or can truck, the CH just says toy hauler to me.
  12. I cant, make it the Wife id dragging me to Newport for the weekend. If anyone goes I want some pix please.
  13. Give me a new RD with a 350 and a 12 speed and I will be a happy guy, AC and a good seat is all I ask for.
  14. A bucket of fuel and a brush work in a pinch, to clean up the bearings if you dont have access to a parts washer.
  15. I use the brass punch method, or a piece of oak dunnage cut down works in a pinch.
  16. I bought an old Lincoln welder with a Continental motor that was full of water and rusted up tight as a bulls ass. A little time and some patients on my part I got it freed up and running and it is now my back up machine. I pulled the head and filled the cylinders with 1/2 ATF and 1/2 Acetone and let it brew for weeks. Every once and a while I would give the pistons a light tap with a wooden hammer handle. Finally I got brave after about a month and put a bar on the crank pulley and worked her back and forth. A quick hone in the bores and a new head gasket and she was burning fuel, nothing can kill one of those old flatheads.
  17. Just like the business I am in, went out and did a job for $500, had to put $700 in tires across the back of my truck, and $100 in fuel. There has to be a better way to loose $300 in a day, I busted my ass for that loss.........But working for yourself is a bad drug and in my case genetic, as far back as I can remember most of my family has been self employed.
  18. God's Mechanical Curse, General Mess of Crap, Garage Mans Companion.......... I could go on
  19. If she lights on a shot of sniff, my money is on a clogged passage in the carb. I ran in to this on an old Kohler engine I had a few years ago, ran a piece of brass wire through it and runs like a champ now.
  20. When I was a kid Loadstar's still reigned supreme and S cabs were just coming in to service, I swear where I lived in MA was the IH capital of the east coast, everyone drove a Scout or an 1100 pick up and ran Loadstar trucks and Farmall tractors.
  21. I think it is funny you guys call this "New England" paint jobs, I always just assumed this is how all trucks were done for the past 100 years. Even more funny, one of the best "New England" truck painters was from Jerzy.....LOL
  22. I still think an S nose has more class than the newer ones. I always liked the S series IH trucks, they look good with the polished grill and a visor.
  23. I am in, an excuse to go "home". There are lots of nice trucks on the Cape, and I have had the pleasure to work on many of them. I predict a good turnout. Hopefully some of the local FD's will bring there trucks.
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