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Everything posted by TozziWelding

  1. Here are some more of the BCR The B next to it and a Superliner All 3 of them
  2. I got 150 pix I will start posting them up in the next few days
  3. Here you go, the only one at the show
  4. I know in Plymouth they still have a bunch of old stuff still in service, it is a big town with 7 stations plus the state stuff in the forest. This breaker is a 77' and still running, I remember this truck from when I was a kid. http://www.capecodfd.com/PAGES%20Appar%202/PLB171.htm Some of the stuff in the next town over is older http://www.capecodfd.com/PAGES%20Appar%202/WAB404.htm Go down the Cape more and it gets older still.... http://www.capecodfd.com/PAGES%20Appar/unit%20463.htm
  5. Did you jump out the buzzer to make sure it works, same with the light.
  6. I will take a pic of the for sale sign with all the info on it if I make it by there tomorrow.
  7. On my way home today, This was sitting at 495 Truck (Cappello's yard) and just had to stop and take some pix. It says it is a 2 owner truck and the plates on it are from AZ so no rust on her. My Dad had a 54' so I am kind of partial to this body style. I thought this body style came out in 47' but the for sale sign said it was a 46'
  8. A nice R model I caught at a stop light today And S&G cleaning up the last of the snow at Price Chopper
  9. The little kitty at my buddies saw mill, 1976 vintage with a million hours on it
  10. I don't know where the guy found it or who hauled it, when it came in it was on junk low bed with a pony motor for the hydraulics that I had to get running to get it off the trailer, the truck was an old cab Western Star that look like it came from Cuba. Shady deal all around, I washed my hands of this customer shortly after this.
  11. My bad, bucket cylinder, the crowd cylinder goes from the boom to the stick.
  12. Just to get it off the low bed it needed 2 new batteries, all 3 solenoids, and some wiring. Then I had to re install the crowd cylinder, bucket and counter weight. After I got the POS back together all the other gremlins reared there ugly heads. An effing nightmare to say the least.
  13. So much fun I want to forget it, guy bought this Deere 450 sight unseen. It came out of Florida and was obviously a flood victim or had been working underwater. It was overweight on the trip up so the pulled the counterweight, bucket, and crowd cylinder. Almost all the bolts from the track frame to the carbody were broken and it needed a wring harness. Banghead, Banghead and the guy thought he got a deal.
  14. I could hear that truck leaving Cappello's yard from my house when they had it.
  15. My buddies 980 that needs an engine, anybody have a 3406 Cat hanging around?
  16. Here is an old LJ? over in the old commercial side of Framingham, by the old Dennison factory.
  17. If it us anything like the old 3-53 my buddy has on his screening plant it should light as soon as the injectors see fuel.
  18. For that kind of money I see 5 grand easy if you part it out.
  19. And I would be willing to bet the old monster is more reliable and better on fuel than my POS 6.5 in my current truck.
  20. That would make me a nice retro welding rig, the big jimmy V6 is cool.
  21. I like them, I see a guy going up 128 once in a while with a day cab pulling a trailer dump, gloss black with flames and lots of chrome.
  22. Nice old working truck, it already out lasted a new rig. An old Mack will wear out 5 drivers before the truck gets tired.
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