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Everything posted by TozziWelding

  1. A nice IH, and Flett's old Ford service truck
  2. Here is another all wheel drive Jimmy, I think it was Lazaro's truck
  3. That is my buddy Woody's truck, I should snap pix of the rest of the stuff he has in the yard, to bad he only has one Mack.
  4. I vote for the R model, I swear the old 350 powered R has more balls than the CH with a 427 we use.
  5. When they stuffed the 3208 in the f series, the hood needed to be cut to fit the air cleaner, so to cover the hole they put the super speedy looking race scoop on there.
  6. I want that service truck.....drool
  7. There are plenty of 6 wheel heavy spec Macks around here, they are usually snow trucks with a plow sander wing and belly scraper.
  8. Nice old Ford, a guy in town had one of those in 4 wheel drive when I was a kid. That one is a Diesel, I can tell by the scoop.
  9. Here is the CH600 that we run with the old RD, same "New England" style hand painted stuff.
  10. Here is the old early 70's Clark 175b we use in the snow dump it has an 8v-71 Driptroit in it Here is it's bigger younger brother an 85 or so 275c with a K series Cummins in it
  11. In MA to get a CDL you first need your permit, then schedule your road test. They only do it in a few spots in the state and the state cops that give the test couldn't drive a little red wagon, yet know everything about driving a heavy truck.
  12. Here are a few more from the Hudson truck show over the summer. A nice LJ Another B An old AC Not a Mack, but a real nice IH, my cousins had a few of these when I was a kid All owned by Italian guys, imagine that.....
  13. My favorite Fords, I had many 73-79 trucks. If I had the room I would be on my way with the lowbed.
  14. Here is an old rear steer Michigan that has been on snow duty in Ashland MA for the last I dont know how many years.
  15. S&G has some nice equipment, I see it regularly.
  16. Our Trackmobie only has a 3-53 Detroit and can't weigh more than 20k and will move 4 loaded cars with ease.
  17. Fill the filters, and while someone cranks it for you crack an injector or 6 to get the air out, usually if you can get one to get fuel and she lights up on one the rest follow shortly.
  18. Just another fun project that came my way, a guy I do work for enlisted me to to them on his 90something CH600. This is just the start of the fun, the transverse torque rod I just replaced was due to thrashed trunnion bushings. As you can see it tried to make up for the truck wanting to dog leg down the road.This is whats left of the trunnion bushings, worn almost in to the housing.I will try and get pix, of the job step by step when I have the truck apart. I should have this thing up on blocks in the yard in a few days and get it pulled apart for the fun of the trunnion bushings.
  19. I will get up some pix of the old Clark/Michigan 175 that we use to push back the snow dump.
  20. This is what loaded the RD688 I drove all winter, 1978 or so International 560B.
  21. Hell I am a welder and my insurance for the business is less than that, and I play with fire on multi million dollar pieces of equipment. You better get another insurance guy.
  22. Only problem with a screaming jimmy is you gotta keep em wound up tight, cant drive them like a Mack.
  23. It is not a Mack, but the oldtimer that l\did this on my old truck lettered many a Mack If I remember when I make it down to Plymouth I will get pix of my cousins Macks that he lettered. I love the hand painted stuff.
  24. Caterpillar batteries in the big stuff, and Motorcraft in my pickup, and the wifes car.
  25. N.J. Fortini down in Plymouth has one of those coal bodies on an old 70's F-600 all wheel drive. You would be surprised at the amount of people up here that still burn coal.
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