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Everything posted by TozziWelding

  1. I ordered a new mainshaft from Transaxle, $92, with the small parts kit, and other stuff I am in to it for a little over $200. There is nothing to rebuilding one of these, the transmission shops make it out to be black magic.
  2. So with only 58K and a case full of oil my F600 Ford ate the mainshaft. I need either a heavy truck specific NP435 or a 5 speed Spicer or Clark out of a Ford. Does anyone have anything hanging around? I am making a bunch of calls in the morning, but if one of you guys have something taking up space let me know. I am not totaly screwed, I can get the parts, just would rather throw another tranny in and be done with it.
  3. Yes, clean, clean, clean, stainless steel wire brush only used for aluminum and a wipe with acetone to remove any grease or oil.........never use brake parts cleaner,,,,,IT TURNS TO PHOSGENE GAS AND WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Your going to be pushing that little 211 pretty hard, 1/4" and your at the upper end of your power, no matter how hard you squeeze the trigger it won't get any hotter. I run 100% argon, but you can get more use of your amps with a helium blend. Practice practice practice, and you can get some nice welds with a spool gun. Me I am a TIG snob.......
  5. Thanks for the birthday wishes, I hope next year is better I had to do a harmonic balancer on the wife's Explorer, and pull the tranny from my F600 ( she got stuck in 2 gears, worn out 50 cent nylon pads), but I made it this far.......
  6. It is pretty solid for a truck that ran in New England and pushed snow all of its life. They took care of there trucks, and store them indoors. I will get you some more pix when I get back over to Dale's house.
  7. Both trucks are single axle tractors, the body's are hand made back along time ago by the old man. The body's go on the trucks for the winter for weight to plow snow. When I get back over there I will get a lot more pix.
  8. That wrecker looks like Peabody Auto Salvages truck, old F-7000 with a 3208 in it
  9. From behind closed doors today..... Dale Ward gave me a private tour B61 complete with the Worcester Mack logo on the hood, his Dad bought it new B42 F700, and the MH When I have some more time I will go back and get some more pix of the other treasures.
  10. Here is another pic of the Keohan U And Dale Ward's 1977 U model 300 with a 9 speed and gold Bulldog on the hood
  11. Nice little truck, I thought you were after a 2 ton truck.
  12. He told me it came from an airport in ME, and was always stored indoors, he had every maintenance record for it since new.
  13. I forgot to add the R-400 is a steel nose, and has not a spec of rust on it. BKrois it was the safety yellow/green one by my truck at the show.
  14. Here is CMS's (Dave and Pat Mauro) 235 short stick with a hammer on it. Still nice and clean, it has over 17,000 hours on it, the old 3306 is still running.
  15. A pack of single axle R models waiting for snow,, he has a beautiful R-400 too.
  16. That International breaker has been for sale in front of the "ballet" on Great Neck Rd. for years.
  17. Haha, we used to call them "Oh Shit" bars.
  18. I will meet up where ever is good with you guys, I will have one of my shirts on.
  19. Get a pair of these http://www.amazon.com/Ken-Tool-34645-Mount-Demount-Tire/dp/B000MIUJNI
  20. Yup, looks like a 71-31
  21. I will be there, not a 2 minute ride across town anymore, but much more room to spread out this year.
  22. I went up through the ranks, both in the kitchen when I was a dishwasher at 13, and when I was an Ironworker apprentice at 18, I am only 32 now but Damn it i feel like an oldtimer with the self entitled little bastards I see on the job these days. I have said it before and I will say it again, I hate people my age....there are few and far my age that work there balls off for what they want. My grandfather worked for himself, so did my dad, that is where I got the drive from. As much as I will say my wifes family will never understand self employment, my mother in law is a nurse of over 30 years, and draws parallels to what we do every time I talk to her. Same thing, 20 something little girls fresh out of school with an attitude and an air of arrogance about them, but when the shit hits the fan they crumble. I still learn every day and am grateful for the guys that have the knowledge and are willing to share it, knowing full well that when they are gone so is what is in there permanent file. I wish m grandfather was still around, because there are still volumes of which I could learn. Dont take a guy willing to show you for granted, be a sponge and suck up every drop. Just my 2 cents, from a guy that is in the age bracket everyone hates including me.
  23. My buddy got me the rims, still need 9.00 22.5 rubber, 4 drives and 2 steers.
  24. I need 6 of them to get rid of the 20's on my F600 anyone have anything? Thanks, John.
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