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Everything posted by TozziWelding

  1. Went to look at a Job today saw this old dog out back getting a load of wood. Cab is not in bad shape Sitting on 58's Quadraplex Vin Plate Dash, 134,00 on the clock
  2. I saw Dan's B-81 out in front of his house last week, damn it is nice. I should have stopped and grabbed a few pix.
  3. Nice ramp truck, much better than an F550 or a GM 4500/5500
  4. Kroil and time, if that dosen't heat them up with a torch and touch a candle or bit of wax to the threads and they should come right off.
  5. I would trade for it, I have more than a few of the welding machines he is looking for.
  6. If this was closer it would be in my driveway, I have plenty of trading fodder. http://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/bar/4300684833.html
  7. If you dont want to weld, this guy did a great job on a bolt on one. http://weldingweb.com/showthread.php?148701-Hitch-For-Semi&highlight=semi%20hitch
  8. 3/4" minimum, cope the plate to fit the frame rails, weld it, brace back from where the hook bolts and run them back and bolt those to the frame. Jacks is a nice set up
  9. I am looking at a 95 350 4x4 on monday, I need another real diesel .
  10. I saw that superduty on CL I was tempted to take the ride, glad some one got it.
  11. I will ask next time I go get parts over at 495 truck.
  12. You gonna get it lettered, or keep it plain?
  13. I have had cinnamon sticks brewing in a jar of shine for a month now. Nice and brown and spicy, have a gallon of fresh cider in the fridge waiting till the 2 meet at Dad's house this week.
  14. There is an open cab B fire truck next to the Wayland country club in a guys side yard.
  15. I am, where is the truck?
  16. That looks nice, I cant wait to see it.
  17. To bad it is not Mack powered, the cab to axle looks good for my body
  18. I am in, not a 5 min ride anymore, but still close.
  19. Yup, SA200 the gold standard of welding machines.
  20. That's exactly where I was when I took that pic.....you guys are good.
  21. No, 6 down in Brooklyn CT
  22. Snow, we do the same thing, no need to swap buckets in the winter, just slip the plate on and pin it, or chain it.
  23. I want it, loose the sander and add a nice service body......
  24. Continental F163, like therapy when they are running a straight pipe under a load, much better than a little 2 cylinder air cooled thing screaming away all day.
  25. Not a Mack, but just as addictive. Picked up another old Lincoln welder this week, went down to Connecticut to get this one. Not a bad deal, she has a rebuilt motor and welds nice, just needs a few small things and a paint job.
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