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Everything posted by TozziWelding

  1. http://www.calendarwiz.com/calendars/popup.php?op=view&id=55518420&crd=atca&
  2. This one working over in Framingham the other day.
  3. I saw this truck a mile a way and knew who painted it, same guy that did my first welding truck, he must have done a million trucks over the past 60 or so years. I took this for my wife,Laura.
  4. I got a few, I was a zombie from working overnight before the show. Dan Melone getting ready to run Mauro's old Link Belt Loading the Euclid
  5. Chasing electrical problems.......so much fun, especially when you bill the customer out for endless hours of chasing out an in the end simple problem.
  6. This one has 4 axles and a crane for a local stone company.
  7. I need 2 hood dogs, I am forced to make a set now......
  8. It would be a good learn to TIG weld project for you.
  9. I would make a set, 1/2" sched 40 stainless pipe polished, with hood dogs mounted to them.
  10. Try these guys, http://www.nh-hydraulics.com/index.htm they can usually get us anything we need.
  11. For the work we do, Camelback is the way to go, mostly in town low bed and dump trailer work. Typical shitty New England job sites that bury and eat most trucks alive. The over the road trucks that travel the country are air ride, but they never leave the black top.
  12. We ordered rails from the guy in Vermont for an L9000 log loader, exactly what we needed, nice work from them. Pix of the truck and how much of the frame need to be replaced would help. I have done replacements from the cab back before and it is not a bad job.
  13. KingOfObselete is the real deal, I know him from the Diesel forums years ago. I can't wait to see the double dualy, and the Cats in action.
  14. Channel 27 was the Spanish channel, WAAF had there rock and roll radio TV show on at midnight
  15. Ahhhh Spags... It brings a tear to my eye when I drive past the old emporium on Rt.9
  16. The little 5 horse carpenters unit have on my truck now is ok for busting nuts with the impact and airing up tires. It falls short for carbon arc gouging or running any serious tools.
  17. I am actually looking for an older Lindsay, they made a lot of air for a piston type compressor, and the Wisconsin motor was a good one.
  18. No commercial plates piss me off, I give the state alot of money every year for mine, when I see some guy obviously working out of his truck with passenger plates that cost $45 for 2 years just aggravates the shit out of me,
  19. I run this http://howeslube.com/ all year round, keeps everything running the way it should.
  20. My tire guy has a Quincy and says it is the best one he has ever had in 20 years.
  21. Just scored a Huck gun on evilbay, sleeper panel here I come. Got the rig driving yesterday, replaced the seized treadle valve, and pedal.
  22. In town lowbed and dump trailer work, that is what a few guys I know " retired" to.
  23. I like the fact that no one has a practical vehicle, sure that shiny new Freightshaker with the pick up bed looks cool, but it is useless. You would think someone would have a 25' ramp truck with a knuckle boom crane and a tag trailer for moving odd shit, or even just a box truck with a lift gate.
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