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Pedigreed Bulldog
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grayhair last won the day on August 3 2018

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About grayhair

  • Birthday July 30


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  1. As a visitor I had the privilege several times to eat in the employee cafeteria at Trump's Taj Mahal Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City. Employees ate for free, whatever they want, steaks, seafood, desserts, whatever. The employees I spoke with, dealers, cashiers, etc. loved Donald Trump, said he was personable, job pay and benefits were very good. Nary a disgruntled amongst them. I remember being impressed and a little surprised. Too bad the place is gone now. Hard Rock bought the place and it ain't the same.
  2. Thanks guys for the update. So sorry to hear about Hatcity...
  3. It can cut the other way though where you can leave Vegas with some of the house's money. Different trip to Vegas about ten years back. Same scenario, daughter #3 drives in from Los Angeles to visit with wife and me while we were there for several days of a trade show. Two days go by and none of us have gambled at all. Nothing lost and nothing gained so far. Middle of the day, middle of the week daughter #3 decides to leave and drive back to LA. I said, "thought you wanted to gamble some while you were here." Bear in mind the kid is 21 years old but very petite and looks like she is maybe 14. During our stay, every time she walked thru the casino Harrah's security guys stopped her and insist she show them her ID to prove her age. Finally they gave her a coded wrist band to show she is of age. Anyway, she decides yes, she wants to gamble some before leaving. We go to the $15. craps table. She plays a while and gradually loses $100.00. I give her $100. and say "see if you can win your money back and pay me back too." Now since it is the middle of the afternoon, there is hardly anyone playing, just a couple other die hards. Well, dice come around to daughter who rolls, and rolls and just doesn't crap out. This goes on for a while and other people are starting to notice! Then the table quickly becomes full, 12 players, and the noise level is getting loud! Old grizzled gamblers with cigar ashes down the front of their shirt, etc. When they see daughter is rolling and rolling they start jacking up their bets. "Give me $200 on the 6 and $200. on the 8." "Gimme a hundred on eight the hard way." Gimme $50 bucks on horn bet, hi yo." "Gimme $200 on boxcars." Daughter keeps rolling. Pit boss comes over, looks, and changes the dice. Daughter keeps rolling and the bets are getting ever bigger. Pit boss is really paying attention now, comes back and changes the stick man and changes the dice again. Old grizzled guys are giving daughter $25 tips and placing a few small bet on her behalf. Daughter is still rolling and the pit boss replaces one of the box men. This goes on for a while. Just to say it can happen. Of course eventually she rolls a seven and thats the end of it. A number of serious gamblers made some real big money while daughter was rolling. With her modest bets she of course made her money back several times over and payed me back too. It was fun. But it ain't what you'd call typical...
  4. One of my posts from 5 years ago. Just wondering about 41chevy, hatcity, and KSC. Are they still around and doing OK I hope?
  5. Hey there, I dont think the hotel would like the dog in their pool. We love Sophia. Here a photo of her claiming a bed in the hotel Talk about spoiled rotten...
  6. Wife and I went to a trade show in Las Vegas. I had secret plan for that evening - to get some of my money back at the craps table. Daughter #3 flew in same day and with the same idea about getting back some of her money previously left behind with them. We meet at the craps table with a gleam in our respective eyes. So, four guys, one after the other, throw the dice and establish a point. Then each one of those guys next throws a seven. Aagh, the house takes every stinking chip on the table. I am a just a bit disgruntled. The stick man laughs and says "well, now we'll be able to keep the lights on here for another day or so." So, the way this works out, The Mirage is now holding even more of our money for us so that we will have to return again to get it back. Maybe some of you guys have a similar experience to share with us? Love to hear it!
  7. Thanks Bob, actually the photo is several years old. Just that I like it. I don't think Resorts woud like the dog in their pool. In the summer she does like to cool off on the top step of our pool at home.
  8. Sorry, no truck here. Same dog you've seen before, catching some rays pool side at Resorts in Atlantic City
  9. Thought you'd better see this again... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCkqzgesXyA
  10. I guess it depends... I grew up then, late '50s through the '60s. I saw zero crime,. As kids we didn't have to worry about roaming perverts or gangs. Ride our bicycles into town and throw them in a pile behind the Woolworths, get a coke for a dime, a candy bar for a nickle, and go see the Saturday double feature for 50 cents. Nobody stole our bikes, still there when the movie let out. Mow lawns for $2.00. In the winter, shovel snow off driveways for $2.00. I'd take it all over again (except for the times in the principal's office or detention when we were being turds and deserved it.) As high-schoolers, hitch hiked from NJ to FL to CA to TX, all over the place. No problem. Go to the beach and boardwalk in the summer. Play pinball in the acades for a nickle a game and listen to the juke, 3 tunes for a quarter. For me was all good, even though I didn't know it at the time. Never saw my parents have words or any arguments at all. So, it was Leave it To Beaver for me, kind of. Guess I was just fortunate. Sad my kids didn't see much of that freedom and my grandkids won't ever enjoy that safe and relatively worryfree environment.
  11. No, not me driving. I was a spectator at Bonneville and then later got this video off the web.
  12. And it's wheel-driven, not jet propulsion lsr_rr_mm.mpg
  13. Next Up... Kamelbreath Harris Sorry, couldn't help myself.
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