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    classic trucks, truck driver in the uk for many years,now trying to enjoy the best bits from the job i did for a long time such as working on a mack f series i own, going to shows and enjoying some quality time with some people with the same interest

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  1. Found out from the guy at Mack over here that the last letter 'B' on the engine number is to signify that the motor was uprated to 306 bhp. The picture is filling out as more bits of info come to light !. All the best guys
  2. Yes, the first letter B in the line up does stand for dynatard fitted, but it's the last letter in the line which is another B that I'm not sure about. Hk trucking, Iv'e heard your opinion expressed before about this not being it's original engine, if it has had a replacement put in then this may have happened in the first few years of it's life ?. Veeight, it seems that the truck does have an ESI plus motor, and I also understand that the letter B on the end of the engine I.D number stands for a variation from standard or some kind of modification, I'm hoping that the mack agent here can dig up the build sheet from their records that would show what this modification is. It will be interestng to get the full picture, I'll put any info I dig up on here. Thanks folks
  3. Hi folks. Iv'e been working out the engine I.D number on my 76 F series, ETAB 676 B, not a problem as the information is avalable to make it pretty straight forward to work out what the numbers and letters stand for, but I'm not sure about the last letter in the line up which is the letter 'B', the engine in my truck has got 3 oil filters fitted, could this be it ?, could it mean an E.S.I or E.S.I plus ?. Any thoughts wll be welcomed.
  4. Thanks for that, found it straight away having been looking everywhere else on the engine for it.
  5. Hi folks. Does this look like an engine i.d number to you ?, 5393 P3915 1211 then 64856 stamped seperatley underneath the main line of numbers, it is stamped and is not a part of the casting like the casting numbers are, and is on a smooth machined surface section of the engine block on the right hand side just behind the compressor on my 1979 F786 which has a maxidyne. Opinions would be welcomed.
  6. The left side lock wasn't pulling clear of the lock bar,needed a bit of encouragement !. Thanks Guys.
  7. Hi folks. Iv'e just bought a 1976 F series, the first thing I thought I'd do was to check out any machanical issues under the cab but I'm having trouble with the tilt mecanism, unless I'm doing something wrong there's a problem with the locks not letting go, as I stand on the right side of the truck looking at the jacking pump the valve lever swings horisontaly from left to right, if I'm operating the pump correctly? I move the lever all the way to the right then start pumping and this should open the locks and lift the cab ?, but when i operate the pump the locks aren't opening to allow the cab to lift, the cab is obviously trying to lift and can be heard pulling against the air bags, I then move the lever over to the left and the cab drops back down. Am I missing something out here in the tilting procedure and need to be doing something else to release the locks first before trying to jack up the cab, or does it look to you like there's a fault here ??.
  8. Hi Superdog. About your panels, my email is eryl29@btinternet.com if your interested in selling them ?.
  9. A message to say hello and introduce myself, and as soon as I get some photos of my latest project, wich is an F762 with a high roof sleeper and all mack driveline I'll post one on here to introduce the truck to you too. in the mean time just saying hello and no doubt I'll be posting on here in the future looking for info, bits and bobs for the truck or just having a chat on here now and again.
  10. Hi Superdog. When you say fender panels, do you mean the panel right under the cab doors that the aluminium kick pate i attatched to ?, if so I would certainly be interested in buying these from you if you would be willing to ship them over, maybe the headlight panels too if the cost is reasonable, I'm not sure how we get in touch away from this open forum to discuss the details ?.
  11. sorry for the delay replying. I wonder what the shipping cost would be for the fender and head light panels to the U.K ?. I'm particularly looking out for cab side locker doors either NOS or some rust free used ones, this is probably a long shot but you never know ???. I've only very recently bought the truck, the cab on it was restored about 10 years ago using a LOT of filler and it's got pretty rough again now from rain and frost damage, so the usual trouble spots like along the rain gutter, aroung the side lockers and under the floor etc need re working, looking forward to getting into it though Thanks for your reply.
  12. Thanks for the advice and the links, obviously I'd thought that the U.S was the place to start looking, it's like looking for bits for scammells in the U.K, hopefully the folks in europe will be able to put me in the direction of some of the stuff i'm going to be looking for ???. Kind regards folks.
  13. Hello all. I'm based in the U.K and have a 76 F series with the hi roof, can someone tell me if they know of a supplier in the U.S that could ship me out some cab parts ?. I have only very recently bought the truck so have yet to make up a proper list of parts that I'll need and work that will need to be done, so I'm trying to find a supplier of cab parts etc that would be willing to ship to the U.K. I'll probably be ok for most of the mechanical and service parts as we have a Mack agent here, but there will obviously be a problem with things like cab parts etc as they will have long since been obsolete. I would be very greatfull of any assistance.
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