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Everything posted by benny0983

  1. hello everyone i have a question i work for a trash company and im trying to bypass the ecm to turn the fan hub off at temp i have drawn out the wiring diogram using a relay and factory selonoid for the fan hub that was the easy part the hard part is im the third or fourth person to try to fix the fan allways on driver says its driving him nuts because its so loud in the cab of his truck i am using a new temp sensor screwed in to one of the ports on the thermostat housing the biggest issue is using the temp sensor to ground the relay but it wont throw the relay notes its a mr688s mack the wire harness for the fan hub selonoid is missing i have looked at sister trucks and its gone and all the plugs are the same two prong so finding the actual one is kinda hard if its even still there thanks for any help
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