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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. Get the guy with grey hair he can fix it wright...........and if he has a CDL and changing tire's....?
  2. Getting ready for MuCungie long run ?
  3. EX Town fair tire changer ?
  4. I have 14 old Mack's from1956-2001 B R U DM-8 DM-6 Superliner I'm from N. Branford ?
  5. look UP..........IOWA ?
  6. Short ton 200,000 lbs......long ton 224,000 lbs ...
  7. I had a problem with 2001 Fruehauf I sprayed wd-40 in glad hand brakes were hanging up and changed glad hand to a quick release one on blue side good now......it would hold a little air back ?
  8. Ed Smith married a daughter ... Mutrie .I rented a garage from him in Wallingford conn. the property is contaminated from over the year's washing out trailer's he also owned Hawk , Condor trucking all bird name's ?
  9. Try to order 1 for a double frame truck it was a cluster f&*k went from old to new ..
  10. I went to the Meriden conn . terminal he opened the door for me and ask what can I do for you I want to fill a application .......then he ask if I had a job and I said yes at Hallamore motor trans. ....thanks for coming down but I cant hire you....shook my hand .....one the owner's of Hallamore was on the board of director's in the Boston teamster's Chris uncle Jim which is no longer involved with the company . Only time I ever tried to put a application in and I failed ?
  11. Put rock's crushed stone in it strap it to a tractor tire jack it up and let in spin don't use alcohol in you or tank rinse out with water ?
  12. EX-Mack mech. and 20+year's part's guy .
  13. A lot of town's are rebuilding old Mack's replacing frame's and other major component's the local dealer tell them part's are not available any more but I'm still getting them from my Mass. dealer .
  14. Couldn't get part's when they were new .....brake's air over hydraulic .....low mile engine's ?
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