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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. When they first came out in 1990 they were a hand full a lot of problems .
  2. What back ground " ROCK " WATER " WEED'S " OLDER MACKS " NEW MACK'S ?
  3. Oh boy BoB is going to like that..
  4. sent to me by Jay Kulyk president of Rogers trailer's
  5. The owner was in my yard at Blakeslee lookin at his trailer's that belong to Hallamore I ask him what are you doing then he told me who he was I'm the owner
  6. Built early 60s with a fall out shelter then we lived on Buckingham st.
  7. Mack chassis maybe....
  8. I've bought Jone's hood's RD R model hood's had good luck with them...
  9. My grandfather built the Chicken farm on French & Ice House rd and my father built the yellow stone house by Echo lake..
  10. We talk to Doody's in No. Branford 1/2 mile from Tilcon Quarry on RT-80 to use there 8-9 acre field next door for a show and they said yes so ?
  11. Problem with 7th gear jumping out and cant hold it in since new 2001-RD dealer told me poppet spring -balls 3rd time out of warranty now they put bearing kit sliding clutch and fork still jumps out on the way home from dealer in Hartford Conn.....park it in the corner and buy older MACK's late 80's....
  12. Can't-kill them good truck's ....
  13. I went down in 1980 to sign up but didn't need me butt My father was a sergeant in WW2 in the the Army air core's as a teacher / pilot B-52 - B-17 pilot trainer people would ask can YOU RUN THIS I can fly a a BOMBER ?
  14. The state made some of the contractor's put on after burner's on older machine's on state job's ....Are they using high sulfur or low or cut with Kerosene air filter ? air intake restricted they should be able to plumb ex-hast differently is it a engineered system go back the installer the town sign off on it originally I dealt with North East generator for years and they did a lot of multi story building's in CT NY.
  15. Part price's have gone through the roof is it dealer's not selling trucks and making it up on parts engine kit's were 998.00 now 2200.00 ?
  16. I work for a company .....that was a priority over anything even a blown motor ...
  17. check vent to be clean also change spacer behind bearing ?
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