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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. Seen a few times good music David from the Partridge family has short time in a coma several days .
  2. Hartford CONN . lady gets her car stolen husband finds out 2 hours finds car shoots the thief in the face police find out later hes lookin for medical attention armrest him and find out more warrants in other city s hopefully he ll see the scar in the mirror in the grey bar motel with BUBBA in tow .
  3. Our state run nut house just fired twenty something workers and arrested five for abuse and sexual assault again the clients for years but they moved white line over for cyclist on all state roads $$$$$$$$ ? grind and repaint somebody got their pocket lined
  4. We had a young guy in the last several months ago jump off the Portland Bridge with his infant son he lived the 100 + ft fall but the child didn't . Hartford \ state court system needs to get better persecutors they just caught a guy for breaking and entry found ought hes been arrested 130 times before at 56 years old and how many did he get away with ? .
  5. What do you think the value is ??? Their is talk that one of the sons want go look at it done .
  6. HI-HO 350-12-speed 24-volt O & G 300-6-speed 12-volt I test drove both the o & g couldn't get out of the way
  7. Budd rims steel Ive seen wheel rims break the center out and everybody go to the rear .
  8. Service manager at TRI-state KENNELWORTH told me a customer had 5-truck and all 5 were in the shop o o s .
  9. One of my fuel costumer witch hauled pneumatic Barrone trucking use to run 350-400 Cummings ask me what mack had under the hood because they would go by him loaded and he was empty in up state New YORK .
  10. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1744714518874079&set=pcb.1868278790155147&type=3 american pickers show
  11. Maybe getting the Union out ? they started Watertown Conn. a friend of mine grew up with son & Katheryn Hepburn on the same street on the shore line .
  12. Fusible wire from starter # 10 to frame use star loc-washers more ground the better my superliner wind shield wash didn't have enough ground but everything else work .
  13. Dont get in involve !!!!
  14. That will help the small like PERMA-TREAT witch is owned by the Mellon family witch owns or did Gulf oil Mellon bank Holiday inn PPg LIRR the price of oil went up so they skimp .
  15. clutch fan plug radiator had the same problem try flush .
  16. Roto chambers lot more clearance $$$$
  17. The attorney s it wasn't are locomotive it dose not have a motor blame the guy behind me HA-HA .
  18. When something is good and dose not die WY would they keep building it like a DM-600
  19. I just bought 11x 24.5 rims 8,25 231.00 each new truck part polish in out old ones just to cleen 85.00 .
  20. It was him or the new owner he said he was a driving force .
  21. I just bought 2-12-thousands over cylinder kits were $ 442 oo apiece reon rods were 1300.00 for set of 6 heads 800.00 apiece at local machine shop .
  22. Talk to C. Barry about it and he said their was a guy from California bid on it hoping to get it in the battle of bidding at least it went to east not west .
  23. I was hauling 3/8 lime stone with water running out of the dump trailer when a black limmo past me well it wasn't so black anymore .
  24. After watching that video you start to wonder WY kids do what they do my son don't work for me .
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