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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. you are what you eat and then sum .....
  2. Thats comes out at the potty aka out house .....
  3. New show just started Returning the favors gained a few pounds and gray hairs going all over US help people from vets to inner city kids to start work shops it is a good series they are 30-45 min shows...not on TV yet look on face book that's where Ive seen all 6 shows..
  4. Tax us to ???? state ??
  5. Should look at picture before I start " thinking " ??????
  6. If its a mack there is x-eternal adjustment but i seen people brake it.
  7. I think they re trying to break him that's his father in law quarry he runs it a lot of U-Conn used his material between concrete & stone nobody wants to pay for all the foundation the insurance rejected claims and people cant get loans all politicians are jumping on the band wagon .
  8. Did you hear about the foundations crumbling with about 13k-15k that Motts concrete poured in North east Conn. its the same guy in E.haven the town shut him down after giving him 75-85 blasting permits and being a quarry for 75+ years so he suing for 55 million to the mayor+ fire chief I was work there and not getting paid his father-in-law Larry Becker he quarried the rock that's the problem its in the news everyday .
  9. Boston Craigslist 7800.00 54-lj-gasser
  10. hoolamore !!!!
  11. We did all concrete I-beems 2-DM-600 250 duplex top speed 52 mph 2 DM-800 350 Cummings 6-speed 5 axle trailer beam 62-ton x 90-ft out of Blakeslee branford ct
  12. Experience----------- when I worked for another company orange/white we did bigger loads with smaller TRUCKS that's I-691 got built through Cheshire ct .
  13. My father had 2 just like those and 2 day cabs his had Cummings & Lanovas in the day cabs
  14. thats me getting in the quarry
  15. J.J Keller can get you temp-3-day permits except NY that takes a pardon from trump the ticket is cheaper!!!
  16. I moved the same crusher for a friend my Superliner dog was crying but it finish the job
  17. Here in Conn. our trains were built in the 1800 s we have bridges that are made for horse & buggy so those big 18-wheelers don't fit good and the original ar still workin till this day.
  18. what we need is another happy owner of a mack !!!!!!!
  19. ILL look in to it Matts friends razz him with Mack eye candy sent to him .
  20. Town of Durham ct just bought a new unit
  21. hi-pressure timing needs to dune if not burn down will happen 10 miles .
  22. buy new its cheaper 140.00 no core
  23. it should be in the alt self contained
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