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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. You can use a R-model lund - brand.
  2. You need at least 2 ft use Teflon braided line your hydraulic line shop can make one for you they will take the heat.
  3. There was two in Ridgefield Conn. on the tracks next to RT-7 they where used to inspect the tunnels in the BIG-APPLE painted yellow still in use.
  4. There was a law suit from Rhode Island man that totaled his truck on the Gold-star bridge rt-95 in Groton CT because the state didn't properly prep it before the storm I learned the other day it was thrown out of court from a dot employee the state must of used it has a educational moment for future cases .
  5. I have seen sums freaky arrangements with springs tronion greasable with hollow tube or solid with rubber I had a 93 RB it had 44 springs spread with 5 lug Dayton hubs factory 77-DM 6-lug cone axle small 38k springs but they all break at some point they all have 1 1/4 u-bolts & 7/8 spring cap bolts ive seen both break and also hollow truioun tubes snap off.
  6. Been there don-that its good its fun lotttts of kids .
  7. Thats a show in its it self no peewee & kenwoos
  8. what years motor size trans torque 1o-5-13 12-5-13 the fist two numbers tells torque range Mack trans take 1800lbs torque 5-6-7-8-9-12 speed-do to the triplet counter shafts older Mack produce a lot of power Eaton-fuller don't last long GMC trucks have bell housing mounts
  9. You want cold air not hot air !!!!!!!!!!! better off with a dash fan
  10. There is one in Guilford ct that been sitting for a quite a few years tri-axle body is shot from working the big dig in BEANER town.
  11. My Mack parts dealer Courvilles of Montville ct had to go to museum to get part #s for Paul Roncetti u-model with that set up
  12. Diff errant water pump & oil cooler housing hard to get parts & hoses
  13. Wee didnt need to see a Kawopper I hate to see the the lights go in that yard with all the macks . good luck im dollar short and to late again and not in my neighborhood .
  14. Palumbo trucking in N .Branford was a die hard Peterbuilt fan bought 2 Volvos traded them in for 2 new Macks pretty sharp and RED.
  15. They do sell install tool & removal used with a impact tool .
  16. When you are affiliated with large truck orders they listen when you buy one new one and spend 40 k in parts and they treat you like shit and don't listen about problems and over charge on parts and services
  17. Like Ron White (tater salad) said, you can't fix stupid.
  18. P G Adams in South Burlington Vermont 48 foot plus that's there only thing check out there web site.
  19. Yea Bob, but he's making pipe and a lot of other precast pieces and trying to get into parking garages. He owns places all over east coast. He was caught skimping on rebar by the state and had to pay a big fine well he discounted material to the state for TAX purpose . He hired a person after all that for a couple years, then laid him off due to lack of work and he tripled in business with the state along as you get on the Friday list lunch & drinks till 6-7 between 20-40 people every week hes on both sides of rt-68 .
  20. In 1978 I went to work full time for a c-store chain in ne while full time in hi school well they closed my phone rang rang I chose a rigging company I was the youngest mechanic and did well and moved on and still the phone rings now I own a bunch of old MACKS 10 + and still having fun after 40 s years but slept in LJ- b-models must be in the blood .or geens . @54MACK
  21. Nobody wants to pay !!! I had United Concrete in Wallingford ct call me looking for a experienced Mechanic on Macks and offer 13.00 an hour I told him to keep looking told I just turned down a job for 28.oo an hour plus a service truck think hes cheap and that why he is growing he use every angle from temp service to subs nobody works for the actual company .
  22. I was looking at a Mack at Tri-state Kenworth trade-in talking to the service mgr he had a costumer with 5 new KW all was there at the same time with major problems.
  23. slobber the the grease all over its like putting the crank handle on the passenger to get the driver on that side of the truck to visual inspect that side.
  24. go to Lowe's Home Depot state & local public works and see the majority wins FORD and my yard 4 letter win MACK-FORD
  25. They always catch on the brake lining rating not the tire butt they don't know everything the Keystone KOPS are useless .
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